happy birthday to me.

Jul 18, 2004 14:51

last night wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it was going to be. sarah got to come! there was a bug in her salad. it was so freakin funny. i got good gifts and my food was good. cake was AWESOME... gotta love daryl. after we ate we headed to dave & busters. i didnt really want to play as much as watch people play. towards the end i played though. sarah really wanted to play so i played with her. i lost just about every game we played...go figure! i had lots of fun though. then when i got home SO many people left me happy birthday messages. it was crazy. i didnt really do anything at home. i went to bed around 4:30 because i had stayed up talking to chris and then i decided to clean a little bit. i was wide awake. but i finally fell asleep around 4:30. this morning i woke up at 9:42 (the time i was born). and then my dad cooked some breakfast for me. and for the rest of the day i've just layed around and done nothing. anyway hopefully someone will call me or come over or take me somewhere or something because it's been pretty boring so far. well i'm going to go watch i love the 90's. omg oh yeah! i have the coolest ringtone for my cell phone! it's "goody two shoes" by adam ant!!!

1) First grade teacher's name: mrs lesher
2) Last words you said: check check
3) Last song you sang: on the way down
4) Last person you hugged: umm...? people dont hug me, lol
5) Last thing you laughed at: something my dad said
6) Last time you said 'i love you': umm...
7) Last time you cried: my birthday which is conveniently today
8) What's in your CD player: ryan cabrera "elm st"
9) What color socks are you wearing: none
10) What's under your bed: movies
11) What time did you wake up today: 9:42
12) Current taste: CAKE
13) Current hair: up in a towel drying
14) Current clothes: shirt and shorts
15) Current annoyance: none
16) Current longing: to do something fun since today has been crappy
17) Current desktop picture: ryan cabrera
18) Current worry: lots
19) Current hate: i dont know
20) Story behind your LJ username: school? it's not much of a story
21) Current favourite article of clothing: i have no clue
22) Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: teeth/smile
23) Last CD that you bought: umm...
24) Favorite place to be: my bed
25) Least favorite place: home depot...EW
26) Time you wake up in the morning: depends
27) If you could play an instrument, what would it be: i play violin but i think i'd want to play guitar
28) Favorite colour: i like pink and baby blue
29) Do you believe in an afterlife? um like heaven? yes
31) Current favorite word/saying: oh my
32) Favorite book: not too sure
33) Favorite season: summer
35) Favorite day: um, wednesday
36) Where do you want to go: somewhere fun for my birthday :(
37) What is your career going to be like: um i'm going to be an orthodontist
38) How many kids do you want: i havent thought about that
39) What kind of car do you have: i dont have one, but i'll probably end up getting a pathfinder or trailblazer as my first car, then a 350 when i turn 18
41) A random lyric: alright stop, collaborate and listen
42) Identify some things surrounding you computer: um, i'm using a laptop so a gator blanket, couch and pillows
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