boy do i ache.

Jul 13, 2004 14:15

oh my goodness...okay last night our internet wasnt working so of course i was like wtf mate. then before my dad could fix it, clay electric came to get the wire out of the tree that had fallen and put up a new wire. oh yeah, the cops came too because the tree was blocking the road so it kinda looked like the cops were at our HOUSE because they were at the end of our driveway. anyway, when clay electric came they shut off ALL of our power. we had nothing. NO INTERNET FOR ME. i was dying because i hadnt been online ALL day long because i'd been outside. ahh it was torture. so the power was off from 9pm-3am. how crazy is that! then this morning i woke up late for my dentist appointment. it was scheduled for 8:00 am (jeez appeez) but i didnt get there til around 8:15. oh well. then we walked over to dr peden's to say hey to susan after i was done. then we stopped by my mom's classroom to pick up some stuff and her fish died. he was like over 9 years old, it was really sad. she cried. he was a good fish. oh well i guess it was just his time. poor thing. anyway after that we went to eckerd then to chickfila and ate breakfast. then we went back to eckerd to pick up film we had dropped off before chickfila. the guy that worked at the film part was funny. i dont think he meant to be funny, but he was just kinda like one of those people that you laugh at. not because he was ugly or anything, just because of his personality. i'm not too sure where i'm trying to go with this. whole body aches from wakeboarding yesterday. i didnt get hurt and it wasnt hard or anything, it's just that my muscles werent used to being used like that so they were kinda like "WHOA what are you tryin to do to us!" if ya know what i mean. oh yeah! i downloaded some ryan cabrera songs. he's so wonderful. hahaha michelle. anyway, i'm off.
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