Fashion models of the summer

Jul 18, 2015 15:16

It’s difficult do not aim the camera to this beauty, which is sitting on the birch:

The model on the catwalk showing off:

And the bright flowers adorn this summer performances:

Looking west, the ocean is not far, only marshy delta separates us:

Blackberries ripen:

I go to the place where my models live:

Rowans complement birches just like in the well-known Russian song:

Literally, “то березка, то рябина…”:

Mouse peas flowers (blue ones):

And chamomiles are on my way:

Lilium Martagon (сахалинские саранки) are here too:

Looking to the busy ocean again:

Looking opposite direction and observing arrival of the beauty:

Itchy eye:

Who you?

Thinking, is it a lunchtime?

Thirty minutes later in this place:

Dancing on the catwalk:

Do not see viewers:

There is one:

It was a tasty frog. Time to clean the beak:

The following possible dish:

Turtle doesn’t like of what is happening around:

And my watching time is expired. I am leaving these creatures in the swamp and go home.

flowers, bird, berry, westcoast life, news, delta, forest, birch tree, heron, blackberry

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