Fact or Fiction

Mar 30, 2010 01:56

I was reading a couple of articles on the movie “Ticked off Trannys with Knives” I know someone I admire hates the word “Tranny” and was surprised to see she praised the film itself.

Of course this got me to reading the article, various comments, blogs and such. As well as got those little wheels in my head spinning. I have decided I am going to try to see this film.

Now normally I probably wouldn’t have. I don’t generally go to watch thought provoking films. My films tend to be mindless entertainment. I never take any film too seriously as I realize that even the best documentary is still a sided view, regardless how unbiased they try to be. So its obviously easier to not take mindless entertainment seriously.

But enough comments have provoked my curiosity to see it.

When I made this decision other wheels continued to turn in my head and I started to wonder. What is the big deal? Now please don’t take that as a malicious statement. It is not intended.
I don’t honestly “get” it.

As a gay man, I am a minority. I have heard gay men called fag, queer, faggot, queen, ect. But it has never phased me. I don’t place a lot of value in words, words can mean anything. Its usually the tone of how the word is addressed that gets my attention more than anything.

So some words I don’t get their affect on others. I would list some out but I have a feeling they would somehow offend others, you know the words that offend you, ironically they also tend to be words that don’t offend when used by the same minority to each other. Another concept which has alluded me.

But back to point of the post. In my view, movies, films and theater are supposed to entertain and/or educate. Yet when a movie or play or book get produced which shows any minority in a less than idea portrayal that sub sect gets offended and upset. Protest, letters and such get started, which ironically tend to get the project more press than it probably would have had prior to it.

Take the aforementioned movie. I wouldn’t have seen it, I actually hadn’t even heard of it till tonight. Now I am going to see it and I have read more on it than most films I see.

But why?

Lets take a look at a few examples. The Show “Will & Grace”. I have heard so much upset about the portrayal of the gay man from the series. Really? Why? Sorry, I know a lot of men who fit the examples of the characters Jack and Will.
Where were the people upset at the portrayal of the socialite Karen? Or the character Grace?

It seems to me, that we can laugh at Grace’s portrayal, even though not all straight women act that way. We can laugh at Karen, even though not all rich people act that way. But not Jack, because his portrayal of a gay man is demeaning? Is to stereotypical?
What makes using one group taboo and deserving of more respect than any other group?
Do women not deserve the same respect as a gay man? A poor person verse a rich person? Why are there no protests on these?

Because its entertainment. Again, to myself, it appears it is only entertainment when it doesn’t poke fun at you. The only difference it the “majority” aren’t phased by it. They don’t let the situations offend. They laugh at them as they were intended. They enjoy the entertainment.

But it seems minorities forget that, or ignore it. Everything is supposed to be positive and things can’t be made fun of lest it somehow brings the wraith of the people. Unless you are those people, even then its not a guaranteed pass on offending.

Why can’t people just be entertained? Why do they have to look for some perceived slight against themselves? Why do they look to be offended?

Do they somehow believe that the fiction will become the fact? Do they believe people are inheritably stupid and will believe the sky is purple if you show a movie stating such?

You know who you are, their words can’t change that and believe me, most people just want to be entertained. They aren’t looking to have their views altered, especially if the item in question is not label a documentary or fact.

Words are meaningless, so why do they affect you? Why does this post affect you? Have I suddenly changed your views? Have I somehow made you less or more than you were?
If I have that much power with my words, then send me lots of money!!

Somehow I don’t think that will work. :)
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