The word "Discuss" in an essay title is a disgusting term and whoever came up with it should have been shot on the spot. I do tend to moan about essays, don't I? I suppose I've made my bed and I should lie in it. Still, once I'm finished with the Glass Menagerie, I will be ever so, ever so happy. It's the most depressing thing I've ever had the misfortune to come across. No one is happy during the course of the drama, and once it finishes just about every character is even more depressed.
I must admit to being vengeful about the English Lit course this year. I was promised Shakespeare and Chaucer and got given Williams and "Girl with a Pearl Earring" instead, the latter of which is written in such a dull fashion (but who am I to talk???) that I am purposely re-reading Pride and Prejudice for the other side of the course and ignoring it until at least Monday.
In other news, the US election is coming up (if no one had noticed), and I found this absurdity of a comment on a website detailing how McCain could win. Now, never mind who I support. This idiot obviously hasn't done his homework, and I've cut out most of the tosh to get to this bit: "Vietnam Vet. vs. Islam". Obama, despite his unfortunate name (Barack Hussein Obama) is not a Muslim. I believe he's Christian, he certainly has links with a pastor and has joked on the inappropriate nature of his name before.
If the Americans have no clue about their candidates and fall back on idiocy, should we trust them to make a decision which will (directly or indirectly) affect the rest of the world?
Jackks: go and find Richard Armitage in Spooks on the BBC i-player or Youtube. He's scrummy and there's huge segments of him topless xD. Regrettably, in typical Glassy fashion, I was not ogling at him, but thinking "I know what Gnothi Seauton means, go me!" and I'm not ashamed to say so.