Excessive homework makes Glassy cranky...

Sep 05, 2008 20:36

Just tried to read my monthly comic dose as respite from my homework mountain - I swear, there are more adverts in comics these days. My Ultimate X-Men this month (is it embarrassing to admit I'm still reading that?) had so many advertisements that reading the bloody thing made me feel like a deer in the headlamps. I don't need double pages telling me not to do drugs, for crying out loud! Is that the audience for comics these days: do you have to be high on smack to suspend your disbelief enough to enjoy the plot? I wouldn't mind if they were Marvel stuff, but they're not, they're just annoying as hell TV programmes I've never seen before because they're so crap no broadcaster in the UK will buy them.

America is commercial hell, mind you: you can't watch sport (Olympic coverage etc, not grown men playing rounders), or a film, or even a ten minute TV programme without being advertised to. Every programme has product placement in it ("this show bright to you by..., the [insert bad slogan here]!"). On one TV channel there are more advert breaks as the transmission goes on, meaning a two hour film takes three hours as - during the climax, no less - there's a five minute break every ten minutes, and by the end of your stay there you never want to see a advert for prostate medicine again. I spent two weeks (got back Monday) in the historic part of Virginia, away from all the huge billboards; a wonderful relief.Despite that, they've got huge posters spread across everywhere else in America, and you can see fast food chains from miles off. I do like the USA as a place - don't get me wrong, we had a lovely stay there - but enough is enough, in my honest opinion.

As a finishing note, I've just let my tea get cold. Perfect.


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