Okay, I've been dead on LJ. This is because I've been feeling very guilty, as I have been spending time getting addicted to PC solitaire and Gaia Pinball, plus writing a load of shite that will rot on my hard drive forever, rather than doing anything particularly productive.
Note to self: never promise reviewers that you'll get chapters up 'in the next two weeks', as two months later you know you'll have done absolutely nothing about it. It's not worth the apologetic author notes. This is also known as 'ah, crap, I have written myself into such a state', which probably shows how bad a writer I am... and there I go again. With this attitude, I'll never post anything ever again, will I?
Anyway, why was I posting? Ah, yes. Found this on MSN:
Marvel Production Company!. This made me very excited, especially the list of movies supposedly coming out. I haven't seen Iron Man yet, though all reports are good. I suppose it's partly lack of time and the fact that the local cinema is far, far away. Civil War took Tony Stark from my good books anyway.
Also, this gives me slightly more hope for Marvel movies in future. Because they're in the company's hands, hopefully they won't go the same way as X-Men 3 Spiderman 3 and the Ang Lee Hulk film, all of which (IMHO) were a load of rubbish. If they have (good) comic writers penning movie scripts, hope may not be lost for the whole franchise yet.
Yeah... you'll probably hear from me again around mid-June, when all my exams are over (my first two are tomorrow, joys of joys). See ya, guys!