A Few Things from Yesterday...

Oct 22, 2007 10:31

  • Using muscle rub at night will not let you awaken to stiffness free joints, only smelly ones.I won't be trying that one again.
  • Three hours is too long to spend in Wal-Mart.
  • Shopping for maternity clothes can be a bitch. Women apparently don't wear women's plain white t-shirts (derived from the fact that they are so hard to find.)
  • Just because you had good chicken tenders from Wally World in the past does not guarantee that the chicken tenders you get today will be any good.
  • There is apparently a shortage of small stone sharpening wheels, along with small people to run them. This is why a package of four cartridges for a 'current production' razor is selling for over ten dollars.
  • Turkey pastrami (even dark turkey pastrami) doesn't have enough pastrami taste to even be considered pastrami, only turkey.
  • Riding scooters at Wal-Mart will not increase your coolness factor, nor is it considered a 'chick magnet'. Unfortunately, the same would appear to be true of a cane.
  • Coming up with an idea for a Hallowe'en costume that meets certain criteria (bald, no need to shave, and a chick banning cane (see above)) is a lot more difficult than one would think.
  • The rain gods are listening as we're supposed to have, at the least, scattered showers all week (along with temperatures that actually feel like Fall.)
  • Target was designed with the upper-middle-class in mind. Currently, I am not upper-middle-class (but will be soon).
  • Just because you feed a stray cat a handful of food, does not ensure the return of said stray cat (even if its backbone hurts your hand when you try to stroke its back).
  • Staying up to 3:00 in the morning is not the best way to make sure you wake up at 8:00 the same morning.
  • Finally, instant coffee tastes like shit compared to brewed coffee.

tommy the cat, pain control, coffee, life the universe and everything, wal-mart

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