(no subject)

Oct 28, 2009 20:14

Well, we're almost ready for the conference this weekend! We leave tomorrow for Boston, so I'm pretty excited. We have sent our genes in, our poster is being printed right now, and we did our first run through of our presentation today.

I'm pretty sad about missing halloween, but hopefully we can find something to do in Boston!
I've been trying to pull together a steampunk outfit for our team costume there as well.

We had the costume contest for anime club tonight which was fun because Jill and I got to dress up in kimonos.

I got to do some pumpkin carving with Brock and Marion yesterday which was awesome. I did a Sally face from Nightmare Before Christmas, and I'll try to get a picture up later.
Marion has been helping me clean my apartment lately which is great because I have clean dishes again!

What else...
School has been kind of up and down lately. Super busy, but things are getting done.
The BCMB pub crawl was last Friday and that was also good.
Oh! I saw Zombieland last night and it was a ton of fun.

school, halloween, lab work

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