So, I just had my first critique of all the work I've been doing since winter break started and the work I'd been doing all winter? Hated it. Images I made at 7AM in the morning right before the critique? Liked them. So yeah, my thesis is changing... again. PS twenty-eight days until my show.
In other news, Sean's birthday was last week and we had two weekends of celebration. Okay, not entire Sean and his roommate have birthdays one day apart, so his roommate's girlfriend and I decided to throw them a joint party. She baked a cake and philo dough pizza and I...drove to IKEA and bought a bunch of Swedish junk food. Sean's roommate is even nerdier than Sean so basically the party was hanging out and playing video games. It was a nice change from art school parties, which I've gathered, from all three I've attened, mainly consist of getting drunk and talking shit about people.
And then in case we didn't have enough nerdiness that weekend, Alex (sean's younger brother) and I convinced his parents that thebest birthday gift was for the three of us to go to NY comiccon. We could only afford (time and money) to go one day so we went on Sunday since that was the day the Scott Pilgrim panel was.
So, I've never plugged
Scott Pilgrim before, but I'm not going to now, because even
the New York Times is plugging it now. Part of the impetus of our trip was the release of the penultimate volume,
Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe. Seriously, they're making a movie of the series in like a year,
with Micheal Cera and everything! Get on it now.
Other highlights- Playing "Turtles in Time" (as Michaelangelo!!!), an arcade game I haven't played in like fifteen years.
Seeing John Stewart hanging out at the convention with his daughter! Jon Stewart is like number one on the list of people Sean and I both want to have sex with so we were super excited, but we didn't want to be creepy stalker fangirls when he was with his family. Still, effin John Stewart!
Buying the first volume of
Octopus Pie and getting Meredith Gran to sign it.
Meeting the dudes from
Penny Arcade, who were totally sweet. (Sean shook their hands and told them
Joey was his favorite too.)
And in a nice bit of synchronicity, one of the panels after the Scott Pilgrim was about using graphic novels in the library and the classroom. One of the school librarians on the panel actually gave a talk about how you can apply learning standards to lessons about graphic novels, and one of the standards she mentioned happened to be eerily similar to the SOL standard Sean was planning on teaching during his practicum. So now he's going to teach a bunch of first graders with comics. (And has the resources to do so.) How cool is that?
In other news, my desktop wallpaper is a
pile of creepy nekkid babies.