you've been so busy lately that you havent found the time to open up your mind

Nov 17, 2009 13:43

I agree with the seestor when it comes to writing more. I especially like the idea of trying to revive the LJ world. Perhaps we could all get new accounts and start over, and actually update. It sounds nice to me. I get into these moods where I start thinking about all of the things I need to do to organize my life and get everything in its right place. I have this list of things, like chores, that I just put off forever. I never feel like I have any free time any more, even though its really all I have when I'm not at work. The list of things isn't even stuff that I don't want to do. It's just stuff that is too easy to put off. I need to go through the mail and other random papers and organize them, organize my computer files, choose my new health plan before the 20th, make a doctor's appointment, return my P.O. Box keys, bathe that fleabag, figure out finances for the upcoming month, make a grocery list, etc.

It's really important to me to get these things done.. but I just lose interest in them once I step foot in the house. Doing these mundane things makes me feel in control of my life, and that's a feeling that benefits me. The motivation to do them just doesn't seem to come. I guess a lot of it has to do with lack of alone time.

Well, back to work. Yay, boring post! Also.. I took my car in to have the brakes looked at and fixed. Surprise surprise, there's no money to pay for it. Gah.

obligatory, work

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