Dear Internet,

May 19, 2012 21:12

I have missed you *clings*

Randomthing 1: I only have time for one "extracurricular" activity at a time these days. For example, I have been reading George Bernard Shaw whom I love to itty bitty cynical pieces lately. Thus, I have not had time for internets/felting/yarns/experiments/etc. I need time management lessons. ): I would Livestream my current felting project but I am absolutely certain that no one could enjoy my lunchtime 22-minute window of 12:18pm to 12:40pm D:

Randomthing 2: I have attempted watching 'Game of Thrones'. I got through 30 minutes of old men sitting around talking about stuff I didn't understand before I gave up and went back to watching old 'Perry Mason' episodes. I'll never fit in with the cool kids now. *sigh*

Randomthing 3: Botcon is over. That means I can now do google searches for the SDCC exclusives. OMG Bruticus. which I need like a hole in my head XD

Randomthing 4: food experiment "Strawberry Banana Bread" = Not bad! XD

Randomthing 5: food experiment "Apricot Upsidedown Cake" = fail XDDD

Randomthing 6: Both my parents failed the Yeah-But-Would-You-Let-One-Fuck-Your-Daughter Test. I have known this for years, but it has been bothering me muchly, of late.

Randomthing 7: I like my frogs. I don't know why their pond has the lion's share of all the mechanical problems... O_o

Randomthing 8: *flailing* ...but there ain't nothin' I can do about it...

food, gotta laugh, i worry about my sanity, fandom

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