this is a warning.

Apr 20, 2008 12:21

It's come to our attention that some of the watchers here are copying some of our icons (mostly Bekka's). I don't think it's fair, I just wanted everyone to know that attempting to steal any maker's icons is NOT okay. We make those tiny pics of art, and share them with everyone: our community is not even locked! We don't want to lock it, so we are looking at the option of banning the said "copycats".

I really didn't want to do this, I try to be nice and understanding most of the time, but only commenting at her icon community didn't do anything except have her lie in our faces. So I thought that posting it here would make people know (and other makers that we know) know that that person copy their icons. Stuff like this infuriates me so much. You think you can get away with this? You're wrong. We've had other people copying our stuff before, but this is WAY too flagrant and there's too much to let this go.

Dear non-creative people: this will get you nowhere, only make other iconmakers angry at you. Please try to come up with your own stuff, because one day or another, people will notice that your stuff is not original.

That said, the maker in question has managed to copy icons from
hotforjames and myself, but surely from others as well. She also said that she didn't copy, that it was her own stuff. Yeah right, 2 or 3 icons that are similar is a coincidence, but more than that? in almost the same post? I don't call that a coincidence. That's a shame, because your coloring and sharpness are REALLY pretty, and you could have the ability to make really pretty UNIQUE stuff. But you didn't, so karma's a bitch.

So you say you didn't copy huh? So you only take the exact same pics and crop them almost the same way? AFTER the original maker makes them? You don't find that suspicious? That's too bad, we have some FLAGRANT exemples here, from not only one maker:

nightcomes    /   







hotforjames    /  



toxxxicgurl     /  


That's enough? I don't know how you do it. I'd be embarassed just to MAKE those similar icons. Please try to be creative, this is from all the makers you stole from: try your own style. Consider yourself banned from the community from now on.
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