Last night, completely frustrated with the process of trying to put together an Expedit (Ikea shelves perfect for records, donchaknow), I bailed off into town. There was two options for me, but I chose the risky one first... go and play some poker at NSW Leagues club. This was a cash game, and generally im loathe to spend any money on real life poker - WSODJP events excluded of course - but this was only a $10 buy in tourney, so i gave it a go. Let me say right now that nothing can frustrate you like trying to put together an Expdit by yourself - four frikken hours of coming oh so close to it joining up but NOT ACTUALLY GETTING THERE had pushed me over the edge... Anyway, got cowboys first hand, and doubled up immediately. Played really tight for a bit, firstly due to most of my cards not adding up to 10, but also waiting for others to sort themselves out... Over the course of the game i got shockingly rivered twice - but managed to get my own luck back - blind all in 4 times, the best being the time that it got me to the final table, where my he called, i was the big blind, we had even chip stacks, he had AQ suited, i had something like 6 8, and the 6 that came on the flop held up... Ended up coming third, which was pretty rad - $50 cash and a ticket to an $80 game in a months time.
Still, I was kind of itching to get away. Down at some crazy record store on Cleveland St, a post TINA hipster party was going down. DJ Gorky, Catchdubs, Lemon Drop and someone whos name i cant spell were spinning, and this was the first time i have ever really experienced Baile-Funk, Baltimore etc played in appropriate environment. Dark room, lots of bass, house party vibe, and a full contingent of Kids In The Know (tm), including James Henchy and Ash
gimpishfiend as well as Riley who asked the obvious "Oh my god, how are you at every awesome party", without fully knowing the truth that was decreed by Optimus Rhyme all those years ago - 'A party ain't a party unless Al's all up in that murrfukkah". Chris and I had fun, and then I dragged him back to mine so that he could help me complete the Expedit, which took all of 18 seconds with two people involved.
Briefly as frannie wants the net
Tonight was all Jiah, My Disco, Macromantic and Bugerlicious. Topsarama AFAIC
And massive thoughts going out to both my homegirls Bec and Nat concerning their recent brushes with death - get well rapidly!
oh yeah, and i now have about 50000000000 times more room in my room thanks to Expedity goodness.