This Was Halloween

Nov 01, 2005 19:12

Saw Saw II.  Heh heh.  I enjoyed myself yesterday.  Well, except for the transport.  We won't dwell on that now, but let it be said that the MTA sucks.
Ate at a great dinner where we stayed long enough for the actual meal!  Yay.

I had a lot to say before but now I don't so forgive the lack of enthusiasm.  All my ideas went "poof".

I do change my picture a lot, don't I?  I'm sure that says something about my psyche.

I sure do speak oddly.  According to a quiz I took, I'm very much in the middle of things.  I say "dude" way to much to be an East Coast girl (*chuckle* I said "way") and, to my slight chagrin, "like" is a stubborn part of my vocabulary.

I've had "ain't" reprimanded out of me, but I hardly notice when I say "y'all".

I must say "so and so and I" or nothing at all.

"Bloody" has slipped out a few times and I never say "shit" without an 'e' on the end (shouldn't be saying it at all, I know).  "Pet" and "gorram" have entered my inner monologues.  What do you expect, what with Spike and Jayne for role models?  There's also my inclination for adding "-age", "-y", and "-esque" onto every freakin' word.  So, yeah, I can get by on Whedonese.

So, anyway, I'll catch you dudes later.  Can you believe that after a day of restage (no school on Saint's Day!), I'm actually tired?  Organizing my music and watching Constantine and Underworld all day can hardly be considered work, yet I'm ready to kiss consciousness sayonara.  Course, I've got to do a bit of reading first, as always.  I know I'm an English major but gorramit, can't I stop reading?

shenanigans, holiday

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