Title: weep for yourself
glass_radical Rating: PG
Spoilers/Warnings: Through "Confirmed Dead." Character Death
Summary: A moment later, he acts like nothing happened. For
lost_in_108 's prompt "linger"
He pretends that it takes longer than it does, as he hovers over her stiff body. Her eyes are open, staring at nothing. They're watching him, their words are white noise. He tries to swallow but his mouth is too dry.
Brown hair blows softly as she walks across the deck, always full of confidence. He turns and catches her eye and she smiles at him. Her lips taste like salt.
It’s nothing. Just meat. He exhales sharply, his brain knotting at the memory of a knife striking muscle in the smooth flat of her back. He lets one finger brush against her cold arm.
I'm so sorry.