Man, I'd say it an update was a bit overdue.
So Cali happened, and continues to happen. Manhattan Beach is really just a more complicated version of my hometown (in Ohio) except warmer and with more traffic, so I'm probably not as lovestruck with the state as I should be. The apartment is homey, although I felt a bit polarized by Susan's many Jesus-themed pieces of decor, but what can you do. My room is big and nice and I'm beginning to feel at home in it. It has its own digital cable box! WITH PREMIUM CHANNELS. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT THING TO ME. But yeah, its turning out well. I'm attempting to eat healthier, and I would say for the most part, I'm at least succeeding in eating less. Sometimes a rough day at work drives me in the direction of french fries and mcflurries, but until I am a rich famous person, fast food will remain a part of my life. dealwithit.gif.
Marvel. Man....It's such an interesting place to work. First of all, the office is just littered with toys and promotional art and other fun things. Everyone who works there seems like a hip young professional, and it can be really fun. My job thus far has been regulated to printing character packets and comics out, databasing material, but sometimes I get to do cool stuff like pack DVD packages that will end up in the hands of Robert Downey Jr, Sam Rockwell, and John Slattery and others. So there's that.
Sadly, so far, I feel like a failure of an intern. A few of my projects have gotten screwed up, mostly in part to my own silly oversights. (This happened today!) I always apologize for these things and correct them to the best of my ability, so at least I take responsibility. And technically, the amount of time I've spent there amounts to about 7 days, so I'm still very fresh. But I'm tired of looking like the incompetent intern. I have no idea of the other intern, a mysterious girl who works on my days off, is any better or worse than me, but all I can do is correct my own way of doing things. I just need to calm down and keep organized.
On the plus side, I met Joss Whedon today. Joss Whedon, if you don't know, is the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, and has authored many comics, and currently, is the director of the upcoming Avengers movie, which of course, is a Marvel production. Personally, Buffy changed my young life and helped me feel confident in my gender, my sexuality, as well as inspired me to get into screenwriting. Seeing him was a very big deal to me.
It was a brief encounter. I was delivering something to the Avengers production offices and bent over to pick up my box and when I looked up, there he was! I was so shocked, I kind of just blurted out 'hi'. He said 'hi' back before consulting with an exec. But it was pretty cool and it made up for many of my shitty days. I feel like there's a good chance I'll see him more, and hopefully next time, I'll be a little less breathless, shocked and sweaty. One can only hope.
The last thing I'll whine about is the isolation. I literally have no friends here. Not entirely true, I have two Philly friends in Santa Monica, but aside from that, no friends. Susan is nice, but we're so different, it's hard to have a conversation that doesn't focus on nostalgia. I haven't met any of the other interns, and haven't met anyone in Manhattan Beach, althought it seems like its a place made up of families and old people so I don't expect too much. Honestly, I'm the kind of person who is perfectly content with having long interrupted bouts of me-time, but there's a limit. Its only really tough on the weekends, when I have all this time to burn and no one to share it with. Seeing movies alone will eventually lose its novelty. I miss my friends in Ohio and Philly so badly sometimes. And I miss my family, even though I talk to them almost every day now.
The only other big part of my life right now is, naturally, television, so I'll talk briefly about what's been on my mind, TV-wise:
Mad Men:
- This season is like the 6th season of Buffy- everyone is fucking miserable, except Peggy, who is a ray of winsome sunshine. Sometimes I think of myself as a season one Peggy without the pregnancy- submissive, polite, but a little stuck. I need to be a season four Peggy.
- Roger is probably going to kill himself, I can just smell it. Which will break me, because, despite the fact that he is, in a sense, a bad bad man, there's something in him I can't hate.
- Fuck you, Don. Rooting for you is tiring.
- Laaaannnne, love of my life. I wanted to CURL UP AND DIE when his dad hit him. There is something about Lane, despite his peevish uptight ways, he really is a sensitive and caring man, the least disingenuous man at SCDP, though its not exactly a hard title. Just the way he says things like "I'm sorry...that's the very best news" to Pete and the Mickey Mouse doll he bought for his son. I adore this man, I really do.
- Fuck everyone, Trudy Campbell is the light of my life. She may be all kinds of ridiculous, but I think she's very good for Pete and genuinely loves him. I can't wait to see Babymama!Trudy.
- Poor Joanie. She really has been thwarted by the politics, sexual and otherwise, of her area. I'm a diehard Roger/Joan shipper, but I was glad to see her own her decision to leave him. If leaving Roger means one less sad thing in her life, then its for the best.
Boardwalk Empire:
Sadly, I have less to say about this show than I would like, but honestly, and you can file this under #caleighsunpopularopinions, but christ this show bores me. I mean, I keep coming back every week, hoping that it will pick up, but c'mon show! You have prohibition gangsters on HBO! STOP MAKING EVERYTHING SO NUMBINGLY SERIOUS.
So far, the only characters that intrigue me are Arnold Rothstein, Lucky Luciano, Margaret and Chalky White. I like Nucky, but he's not as interesting as past HBO protagonists. As much as I adore Steve Buscemi, I wish they has picked someone less known and let the part make them famous, like James Gandolfini or Ian McShane.
But seriously, BE, you're on notice.
Hawaii Five-O:
I watch this show for Daniel Dae Kim and his abs. I need no other reasons. Although I have been enjoying Scott Caan.
This show constantly oscillates between great and horrific for me, and I'm now thoroughly convinced that the only reasons to watch are Chris Colfer and Jane Lynch and the offchance they'll do something awesome like that version of "Toxic"
But seriously, if they ever touch R.E.M. again, I'll probably die. From blood loss. Because I shoved my fist through the TV.
Modern Family:
I love absolutely everything this show chooses to be. It is perfect.
That's about it for now. I should update more often, so I don't have these massive TL;DRs about my life.
Oh! My mom sent me a package, and guess what was in it? DVDs of Lost's 6th season and the first and second season of my favorite lost HBO show, Carnivale! I love my mom so much.
I leave you with this song that genuinely cheers me up and fills me with a bit of nostalgia for simpler days
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