My Wish For You (Prompt #270: Shine)

Sep 23, 2010 16:01

Title: My Wish For You (Prompt #270: Shine)
Pairing/Characters: Don
Rating: PG
Summary: Charlie's leaving, and Don's hiding out in the backyard.
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: Seasons 1-6
Notes: A Don story to celebrate Rob’s birthday (Sept. 21). Title taken from the song ‘My Wish’ by Rascal Flatts.
Disclaimer: All characters, episode references/Numb3rs in general aren’t mine.

Tonight is Mom and Charlie’s packing night, and as the only member of the family who isn’t inside helping them, I’m using every spy movie technique I know to stay out here in the backyard, undetected, and avoid the madness. So far it’s working, but I’m bored; I should have grabbed a copy of Sports Illustrated before I ducked out here after dinner.

Frankly, I don’t feel like going in there and pretending to be sad that they’re leaving. Well, I’m sad that Mom’s leaving, but Charlie not so much. Finally, I won’t be the idiot older brother or the babysitter anymore. I’ll have a normal life, a normal school experience, alone, while Charlie goes off to Princeton and fame and glory at the age of 13. I don’t even remember what I did at 13, but it was nothing special, that’s for sure.

I can’t wait to go to college. There will be girls, and baseball, and- a whole lot of other things that aren’t appropriate for 13-year-olds. I’m glad Mom’s going with him; I won’t be there to protect Charlie this time.

It’s nice out tonight, the type of weather Charlie would love because all the stars are visible and shining brightly. I remember this one time when he sat next to me and pointed out the constellations; he talked non-stop, tracing each shape with his finger until I pushed him away and turned on my CD player. I didn’t care then, and I don’t care now, but I think if he tried to tell me again I would listen.

I wonder if all that stuff about wishing on stars is true. Probably not, but it couldn’t hurt if I made a quick wish for my little brother. Besides, it’s not like I have anything else to do…

numb3rs, don

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