Title: If Only (Prompt #76: Girlfriend)
Pairing/Characters: Liz/Don, Don/Robin
Rating: PG
Summary: If only she had listened.
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Season 2 and onward.
Notes: A Liz story to celebrate Aya’s recent birthday (August 22), :D
Disclaimer: All characters, episode references/Numb3rs in general aren’t mine.
“Don is dangerous.” People told her.
“He’ll break your heart.” They said.
But she disregarded them all for the rush that came with dating him.
They could be wrong, she reasoned, maybe she was the girl he would change his ways for.
But there were things he wouldn’t tell her, and an ex-girlfriend he was still in love with.
She was nothing but a rebound to him, a theory he validated when he got back with his ex just weeks after their break-up.
“Don is dangerous.” People told her.
“He’ll break your heart.” They said.
If only she had listened.