The Loudest Voice (N100 March Rewind Prompts and N100 April Challenge Pairing)

Apr 14, 2011 23:34

Title: The Loudest Voice (N100 March Rewind Prompts and N100 April Challenge Pairing)
Pairing/Characters: Liz, Nikki
Rating: PG
Summary: AU, Their paths meet the summer before college starts.
Word Count: 4x100
Spoilers: N/A
Notes: I should be working on another Liz/Nikki story, but this came out first.
Disclaimer: All characters, episode references and quotes/Numb3rs in general aren’t mine.

They end up meeting on a pier.

Liz is sitting by the edge, her sandals forgotten somewhere behind her as she swings her legs over the water, watching as it ripples in the breeze.

Nikki drops down on Liz’s right, her motorcycle helmet thumping loudly in the silence as it slips off her lap and lands between them.

It’s Liz who looks over first, her smile warm but hesitant as she takes in this new person at her side.

Nikki nods back, her eyes sweeping over Liz before moving to the endless blue spread before her.

It’s a quiet beginning.

Two days later it’s Liz who comes second, her footsteps vibrating on the wooden planks as she nears Nikki by the edge.

“Are you from around here?”

“Yeah,” Liz nods. “I’ve lived here all my life,” she gives Nikki a once over. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before.”

“Nope,” Nikki replies, tilting her head back to the shore. “I’m taking a trip across a few states right now, riding around before I go off to school in the fall.”

“Must be nice,” Liz comments eyeing the blue and silver motorcycle with curiosity.

Nikki only smiles back. “It is.”

“I’m going to school this fall as well,” Liz says the next time they see each other.

“Oh yeah?” Nikki replies, moving her hand and watching her dark red nail polish in the sun. “What’re you studying?”

“Criminal justice. I want to work for the FBI someday; organized crime.”

“FBI huh?” Nikki says, looking up and turning to Liz with a smile. “I’m gonna be a federal prosecutor.”

“Awesome,” Liz smirks lightly. “I’ll arrest them and you’ll make sure they stay behind bars.”

“We’d make a killer team,” Nikki beams at Liz.

“Everyone else would be beneath us,” Liz agrees.

It’s been a week since that first day on the pier, and like a repeating memory, Liz is dangling her legs over the edge when Nikki drops into place at her right.

“You’re leaving today aren’t you?” It’s not a question, not really, but Nikki nods anyway, playing with the strap of her helmet. “I’ll miss you.”

“Same here,” Liz replies, turning her gaze to the afternoon sun and sky.

They end up sitting there until the sun becomes one with the ocean.

It’s a quiet ending as well, but that’s okay, because sometimes silence speaks greater than words do.

numb3rs, nikki, liz

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