Life update

Jul 23, 2011 21:41

Well, we had a dickens of a time getting Momo into his carrier to go to the vet, and he's afraid of the outdoors, so the minute we crossed the threshhold he started crying and didn't stop 'til we got  inside the vet's office, but all seems well!

Mo handled having his temperature taken well. It was slightly elevated, but his doctor said he seemed to be in very good general health. They did a blood panel so that we'd know if there was a kidney or bladder infection causing the fever, but it might be just one of those things, like when you get the 24 hour flu, since he didn't have very many symptoms to complain of. (Well, he thought he had a lot to complain about... but his ears and eyes and mouth were all clean, and even though his ph balance seems to be kind of off, he's not going to the bathroom too often or not enough.

The nurse said he freaked out a little while they were drawing his blood and they had to do it a second time so that they would have enough for the tests, so I told him it was okay because I'm always a difficult person to get blood out of (and I always faint if they don't let me lie down when they do it!). He weighed more than I thought-- a bit over sixteen pounds-- but the nurses said he didn't seem overweight at all, he's just a massive cat. He's long and he's got a lot of muscle. She said to just be aware, if he gets a little pouch-o-fat, but you can't really pinch any fat on him. He's on a sensible diet because his brother had to be put on one, so now both our cats are fit. (Plus, Momo does not eat people food-- Lego, his brother, steals it whenever he can, and Mo glares at you balefully, as if you're trying to poison him, if you offer him anything that was not made for cats)

Once it was time to go home, he ran right into his carrier. He complained less on the way home, though he didn't like the car, and he didn't like that it was a hot day outside. When we saw dogs in the waiting room, he was politely interested in looking at them through the bars on his carrier and not at all afraid.

So we'll hear back on Monday about his blood test, but we're not really worried now.

He didn't balk too much once we got him home. His brother had to come sniff him and check everything out. Then we headed over to the bookstore so I could give a family friend back a piece I did some editing/feedback-giving for, which was more socialization than I was really up for, but he's a good guy and I'd been meaning to get his stuff back to him. So after that, I was pretty exhausted all in all, and I stayed home while the family hit Super Target.

I'm totally glad I did, because they missed about half of the Renegades finale pt. 2, and I'm still geeking out in giddiness over it. There are plotlines that I wish they had been able to give more time to, but I'm never able to be really critical this soon after watching. So I'll digest it a bit and get back to fic-writing!

cats, life, gi joe renegades

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