Doctor Illuminatus

Jun 10, 2009 16:02

Наконец-то явилась точка опоры в штудиях наследия Готфрида Вильгельма Лейбница - великого и ужасного (в смысле - ужасно-обаятельного), искромётного и невероятного.

German universal genius celebrated for his important contributions to philosophy and mathematics

Gottfried Leibniz writes the integral sign ∫ in an unpublished manuscript, introducing the calculus notation that's still in use today.

Leibniz was a German mathematician and philosopher who readily crossed the lines between academic disciplines. He had a doctorate in law, served as secretary of the Nuremberg alchemical society and fancied himself a poet.
"Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was maybe the last Universal Genius incessantly active in the fields of theology, philosophy, mathematics, physics, ..."
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