Oct 22, 2004 12:01
Who uses WordPad? Anybody? Does the fact that Dustin doesn't have Microsoft Word installed on his swanky computer tell you something about mathematicians?
Why -- when I stayed up until 3 A.M. making a FREAKING study packet in WORDPAD for my students, with TABLES and GRAPHS all done as PICTURES -- why indeed did the thing mysteriously truncate after the first page??? Where is the full 10-page file!!
I may have been tired -- but certainly lucid enough that I know I didn't delete the other pages myself. I have done a computer search and I don't think it's in Other Users documents or anything.
What on earth! The anger!!
Also, what do I tell my mentor teacher, who e-mailed with "Only the first page came through..." I know I should just write back and say "Only the first page is left, #*$@-head!" but will he think I made that up because I was too lazy to write the rest? .... Am I paranoid?