Jan 29, 2007 02:15
Hola peeps! Alas, I back from the abyss, albeit a little late in the game. I'd actually been planning on updating for a while now, preferably when I had both the time and inclination to sit and let my loquaciousness guide my random and at times neverending prose. Alas, I have neither in large supply, so I'll have to take what I can get! Consequently, I'm sitting here at one in the morning, racking my itty bitty little brain and trying to reach for the various bits and pieces that I wanted to share. So, w/o further ado, here's the latest in La Vida de Krissy...
1) Dancnblondie...?
Ok, Ok, I've been harboring a deep, dark secret. For those of you who haven't heard, on a complete whim I recently decided to copy Mandy Moore's hair color in her new movie, Because I Said So. So I went out and spent an arm and a leg on a variation of her color (which is now lighter due to multiple washings, thank JEEBUS), and I am for the first time, posting pictures, which you can see in my profile. And in answer your most FAQ:
Do you like it?
Eh, it's ok. Nice for a change, but I think I prefer myself with blonde hair in the long run.
Will you keep it?
For the time being, I have no choice but to. It cost waaaaay too much for me to "fix," and I need the time to save up more money.
Did you cut it too?
Yes, your eyes do not deceive you -- I did cut it and added some bangs, which are growing so fast that I can't keep up. I haven't yet decided if I'll cut them (and keep them) or let them grow out. What do you all think?? I have to decide soon though, cause for the time being it sucks to have to shake the bangs out of my eyes every 5 seconds, which makes me look strangely as though I have a nervous tick. Hmm... Also, it's a little weird to have bangs for the first time in, oh, 6.5 years. I feel like I'm in HS again, which is not an altogether pleasing sensation.
2) Doctors, doctors, and more doctors.
A lot of you have been inquiring as to my health and test results and such. Firstly, thanks for being so kind and supportive -- your concern means the world to me. I still don't really know what's wrong, though I am still taking the self-proclaimed "obesity drug" Ionamin, to help with my seeming inability to ever feel full. We've ruled out Diabetes, Cushing's Syndrome, and PCOS -- but the doc is pretty sure that I have a hormonal deficiency of some kind, likely w/testosterone. To this extent, he took a battery of blood tests last week to figure out why my hair's still falling out, why my skin has gone to shit, and why my body is totally out of whack now that I'm off of The Pill. All in all the blood tests cost $937 -- none of which will be covered by my insurance, since the dawn of 2007 also begot the resetting of my $2400 deductible. Dad = super pissed, and has outright *refused* to let me go back to the doc (or any other doc, for that matter) once these pending results come in. And then he went so far as to insinuate that all of this money would be "better spent in psychological therapy." Cause, y'know, ill physical health (with substantiated proof via blood tests) MUST be something I've either made up/manufactured or caused by "thinking" myself into sickness. Wow, why didn't I think of that??! Gee, thanks, Mr. Alkeeholik, for reminding me as to who needs the shrinking in the family! ::rolls eyes, sighs:: And we wonder why I have high cortisol...
3) The grades are in...
And (wait for it, wait for it)... I ACTUALLY PASSED MATH WITH A C+!!!!!!!!! ::shrieks with delight:: I'm still in shock. No more math for me, ever. That's it. All of the failing, all of the repeating of algebra, all of the testing for dyscalculia -- it's over now. I can actually have some peace! Although there is a funny twist to my grades this semester... For the first time in my entire life, I managed to get not just a passing grade, but a *higher* grade in math than I did in... (are you sitting down?) THEATRE. I kid you not, my friends! I got a C+ in Math Ideas and a straight C in my Acting the Text class. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Ohh, irony... How I love thee. Actually, it makes sense that I only got a C in the theatre class -- the professor warned us that she'd drop us a full letter grade for every two absences, and you all know how flaky I am when it comes to such things as, well, *attending.*
4) And speaking of flakes...
At the unbearable risk of redundancy, if you think I'm either avoiding you or being flaky w/regards to keeping in touch, I promise I'm not -- I'm just on my third (awaiting my fourth) cell phone this month. You may recall that the first one broke, then I had to send the second one back to T-Mobile.com, because there was this crazy high pitched, appliance-like hum that only me and a couple of other ultra-sonic-dog-hearing people could hear, and now I'm on my third (a cheap loaner from the T-Mobile store), while I await my new phone which is being shipped. Soo, yeah, bear with me kiddos. Also bear with me because I've been working INSANE hours at My Gym (we're ridiculously short staffed -- anyone wanna come work with me?? We're hiring!!), and so my social life has come to a crawl. Seriously though, if any of you are in need of a new job, you like kids, and you've got lots of energy and personality, you could come and work with me at My Gym in Encino. :) Working only 20 hours a week you can make a nice wage as long as you're willing to work weekends (for birthday parties, and really you pretty much HAVE TO if you work there). Message me and we can talk more about it. Mike Westheimer actually came in (randomly; unplanned) for an interview the other day, and it was crazy and all kinds of awesome to see him for the first time in years. :) So yeah, you should come work with me. 'Cause I'm fun, the other staff is fun (it's like The Office on caffeinated crack), and the kids are the best. Wheeeeeeee!
5) My mom = down for the count. :(
Remember that crazy cold snap we had about 2 weeks ago, during which we had freezing temperatures and icy conditions as late as the midmorning? Well one such day my mom was walking Katie and she slipped on a patch of ice, twisting her knee quite severely in the process, and finally falling hard on it with all of her weight. She's been laid up at home (and mostly in bed) ever since -- for about two weeks. I've been puppysitting Katie at my apartment during her recuperation, which has been slow and painful. :( I'm taking care of her as often as I can (i.e.: whenever I'm not actively at work), and trying to hold down my brigade of dogs and life at home as well. Things were going relatively smoothly -- until Katie bit J 2 days in a row. Honestly, I don't even really know why... He didn't incite any kind of attack; he just wanted her to come to him and get her leash on for a walk. But each time he beckons and she doesn't come (and usually runs the other way, in fact) J gets frustrated. Sensing his growing frustration, she gets ultra scared and intimidated, so that when he finally does catch her, she freaks the f*ck out and screams as if we were boiling her in a stew. In her panic she also scratches, bites, and pees. ::sigh:: I feel sorry for everyone -- my mom for being laid up and now feeling guilty over what's happening, despite the fact that she can't control it. Katie for feeling so panicked and scared that she lashes out like that, when she's otherwise a very good, sweet, funny dog. And mostly for J, who certainly didn't ask for any of this, and who (up until now) has been a good sport about helping me out with everything, and now has bites/scratches all over his hands. Ugh. To boot, I'm feeling all guilty because I feel helpless to make the situation any better. Poor Mommy. Poor Katie. Poor Justin. Poor Krissy. ...Well at least Maggie and Kiley are happy!!
6) Kiley lives to see another day!!
Kiley's blood work came back and he's officially got a clean(er) bill of health -- no liver problems or cancer. The sky-high liver enzymes were caused by a really bad infection, which (with treatment) is history, thank God. He still has a touch of the non-communicable demodex mange, but that's benign as long as it's kept in check with creams and the occasional oral medicine. Yay for Kiley not dying!!! And thanks again for your support and love -- I really needed it back when I was worried sick.
7) Who wants to play with me??
You know you want to. ;-) School starts this week, so whatever time I had will officially be zapped -- but I do have some scattered 2-3 hour breaks on my Tues/Thurs school days, and if you're in the Northridge area, we could work out playdates. Also, I'm usually off of work by 3 on Weds and Fri, and I can squeeze in time on Sundays, so let me know what all of your schedules look like and we can work stuff out. Capiesh? Capiesh.
And now that this novella is coming to a close, let me leave you with one last thought, which may disturb those of you who have known me for years...
....I think that I may actually prefer Coffee Bean to Starbucks.
...with the exception of Frappuccinos.
Yes, the world is coming to an end. Plan for the apocalypse starting... NOW.
<3- Krissy