Misadventures in Hair Coloring

Jan 05, 2007 00:33

So yeah... I changed my hair color. ::bites nails:: Oh gawd...

It's darker than I planned, and it cost me a fortune, so I have no choice to accept it and hopefully learn to live with (and like) it. That being said, I'm not fully prepared to post a picture of myself yet, because right now it's just TOO dark and that bothers me. It will lighten up within a couple of showers (it always does) and so I'll wait to post pics until I've washed it at least once. But for those of you who are morbidly curious, here's the basic rundown...

I went and saw my sweet, shy, inexpensive Korean stylist, Lee, and showed him a picture of Mandy Moore from the upcoming movie Because I Said So with Diane Keaton. It was along the lines of what I wanted, but was a little too dark, I thought, so I said "what do you think of something *like* this, but maybe a little lighter? With blonde highlights, maybe?"

He replied "it's too red for you." "I agree," I said -- but maybe something LIKE this, just lighter with some blonde...?" So he took out his color swatch book, and we eventually decided on mixing a light golden brown with a red brown for the base, and then adding some subtle blonde highlights and low lights. Sounds good, right? I even decided to ask for some wispy bangs with my cut, just to be adventurous.

Well... as previously mentioned, it's dark. Way dark. I feel a little goth. And anonymous; I no longer stand out. Oh, and not to mention that I feel stripped of my fabulous blonde identity, right down to my screen name. ::le sigh:: Yet here we are, a HEFTY chunk of change later (that's what you get for a 4 hour hair appt with 4 colors and a cut!), and I just keep hoping that some shampooing with lighten it up.

It's almost like this:

...But darker as we go further down the strands. If you're really curious, go here: Blonde or Brunette? and think of what I have as a cross between the Mandy Moore one and Hilary Duff, with a slight touch of La Lohan. And the cut? A fringier, piecer version of the Hilary Duff one. And NO, I didn't take her picture with me to Lee!!!! In fact, I took a pic of some chick w/long-layered-hair with me and asked for that look plus some wispy angled bangs to spice it up, and again, maybe it's cause I'm not used to it yet, but there's a part of me that is vaguely reminded of my former 17 y/o darker-haired bang'd self when I look in the mirror!! Oy vey.

I really hope that this wasn't a mistake... Or at the very least, something that  I can't live with for the next couple of months while it fades and I raise the money to go back and re-up the blonde (and grow out the bangs). I'll post pics in a day or two, after the showering and hopeful lightening, like I promised, but if you see me in the meantime, I want you to tell me the truth about it. I mean it!! No padding things to make me feel better -- if it's hideous, I'd rather find out now and go and fix it sooner rather than later, even if it means using the credit card. Seriously. I know it all seems very superficial that I'm this up-in-arms over HAIR, but since I so rarely change it (and I did so in such a dramatic way), I can't help but thirst for your approval or disapproval, as loving friends who would NEVER steer me wrong... right? ;-) RIGHT?! ::has a panic attack::

Ohh, and my cell is broken. I can receive calls and I can make them but only if I manually dial. My screen itself is permanently dead, and so I can't use my address book or see/send text msgs. So if you call me and I *don't* answer, leave me your phone number, cause otherwise I can't call you back... until I get a new phone. And we'll see how THAT goes, said Penniless McGee.

For those who have been wondering -- Kiley's hanging in there. We haven't had the repeat bloodwork yet, but his demeanor is good and he's eating well. Good signs, I think -- yet he never looked sickly in the first place and that didn't change the fact that his liver numbers were (are?) way too high. So we'll see... I'll do anything for my Kiley-ky.

Incidentally, to all of those lovelies whom I've had the pleasure of seeing in the past few weeks during what's been an otherwise semi-bleak time period (broke and alone with no power over Xmas, anyone?) -- thank you for making my world such a happier place! While my life is normally a fully functional and mostly happy one, having you guys around makes me feel so much more ALIVE. It's like Disneyland for me. And for those of you whom I haven't yet seen and will be soon returning to your fabulously ambitious lives on the East coast or otherwise, PLEASE let's make plans before your grand exit! You know who you are. Don't be shy -- I don't care if it's been 5 months, 7 months, a year, or two years -- call me. I love you and miss you, and we need to make an effort to play!

Ok, it's past the newly brunette's bedtime. Adieu!

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