I wish cloudy thoughts translated into cloudy skies.

Aug 06, 2009 14:13

*Justin and I have been together (officially) for 5 months today. Unofficially, 7 months.
2009 is flying by... It seems like I just met him and its already been half of a year. I'm going to wake up tomorrow and it'll be 2011. Hopefully I'll be in Portland or San Francisco when I wake up tomorrow.

*I am poor.
I will be living on ramen noodles and pasta. I do not believe that carbs are recommended for weight loss and therefore I will be fat and poor.

*I will be purchasing my dress for Kim's wedding on Friday.
Its a cute dress and its a size 6. My mission is to make sure its too big by October 3rd.

*Planning a bridal shower sucks.
Planning a bridal shower in a month and a half sucks even more.

*I dyed my hair... again.
I was bored. It was time for a change. I added bright red highlights to it and I love it so much I'd like to add even more. However, I am poor.

*I want another tattoo.
See: I am poor.

*I want to go to NYC and Alabama in January.
I am poor but I will make this work. I'd like to visit my family in the south as well as check out my new twin nieces (one of which is my namesake). Justin's friend Chris lives in New York so we'd have a place to stay. I am attempting to convince Ray Ramone to go to NYC with us.

Blah blah blah... Today is mind numbing and boring.
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