Jun 17, 2009 14:08
Justin left for tour with his band on Saturday. He'll be returning on Monday. I always cringe slightly when people ask me about this... I never planned or wanted to date anyone who was in a band and feel no surge of pride in stating "I'm with the band." In fact, I always feel slightly embarassed... as if its somewhat ridiculous for someone my age to say anything as cliche as "I'm with the band" or "My boyfriend plays bass in a band". Perhaps that would have been cute when I was 20, but at almost-28 it isn't. It would be cuter to say something like, "My boyfriend is away at a medical conference for skilled brain surgeons".
The fact that Justin is in a band and has tattoos seems to give the impression to others that I am some collector of "bad boys". As though I am generally attracted to guys who smoke, drink, cuss, ride motorcycles, and treat me as an inconvenience. This always makes me laugh as it couldn't be further from the truth. I've always given boys like that a wide berth. I figured that, by avoiding them, I was also avoiding things like STD's, hurt feelings, jail time, and being cheated on.
So funny that the people we think are the worst for us are sometimes the best. On the surface anyway. Justin is in no way a "bad boy" - maybe he just looks like one. Then again, I look like a cornfed ingénue from mid-America. Appearances can be so very deceiving.