I have started a Tumblr account. Well, I have had it for ages, but I didn't start using it till recently. The general theme is British Hotties That Are Now Old Men. Blake's 7 shit, Bowie, Steve Harley, whoever else comes along, but I will also just be posting whatever. (I recently uploaded a pic of Marc Warren and his Pillow Man character because
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Or maybe I did know, and have just forgotten, like so much else that was once in my brain.
Avon is probably one of the best characters in all live action sci-fi. He, and I'll be okay with being proven wrong, probably invented the anti-hero for television. Paul Darrow is absolutely gorgeous and constantly surprises me with his performance. He's one of a kind. I'll stop now!
PS: Speaking of dreams I dreamed I was on a phone call with Vila. It was pretty cute.
PPS: Time to buy a paid account again. I have no icons useful for this convo.
We used to play Blake's 7 in the playground all the time. I was usually Avon, heh. And looking back, I realize I totally shipped him with Vila.
I've had a few dreams in recent years where I've met Paul Darrow. Oh, that voice!
2. If we played Blake's 7 when I was growing up I have no idea who I would have been. I was one of the two super young kids in the neighborhood group and was Snarf when we played Thundercats. It really doesn't translate.
3. Have you seen that long interview with him on Youtube? He's probably the loveliest man in England, for real.
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