It's okay. I am too.

Sep 14, 2010 12:13

I have started a Tumblr account. Well, I have had it for ages, but I didn't start using it till recently. The general theme is British Hotties That Are Now Old Men. Blake's 7 shit, Bowie, Steve Harley, whoever else comes along, but I will also just be posting whatever. (I recently uploaded a pic of Marc Warren and his Pillow Man character because bloody boys are hot.)

It's not one of those accounts that will ever be popular or anything, but it's a nice way to organize things I like looking at. And boy howdy do I like looking at them. I will be adding some animated gifs of Steve making some really goofy faces soon. He's so good at it. (I'll post them here too. They are too funny not to share!)

Speaking of Steve here's the really reason I was posting this morning. To make jessicadwyer feel better about being crazy smitten with someone. I'm smitten with someone too kitten!


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