Things Starting with 'M'

Jan 14, 2007 03:03

There's something about watching Rage at silly hours that brings out the Media Studies geek within.
Current topic of study is 80's era Madonna. A live performance of 'Holiday' on what looks like a 'Top of the Pops' or 'Countdown' format show is all choreographic, miming glory.

Two dancers sway in tall cages at either side of the stage. The audience is close enough for someone to leap out and mug her in a fit of unhealthy obsession. The dancing is slower and doesn't pack as much thrusting, jerky punch as now, but is endearing for the lack of raunch; lots of turn-turn-clap-shoulder-roll-forward-shoulder-roll-back stuff.
Oh, wee, young, starlet Madonna. Singing 'Holiday' to a bubble skirted audience, she would not know that she'd cement her place as a legend, have annoying punkette bands write songs about how they "wanna do it with Madonna" and have multicoloured babies.

If someone told her how things would pan out, I imagine 80's Madonna would just snap her gum at them and say, "Yeah, really?" in that slight nasal twang she had pre-Ritchie.
I think she'd be scarily hardworking (as her non-miming, super-choreographed stadium performance of 'Over and Over' suggests) but lots of fun. Dammit, watching 'Rage' at stupid o' clock makes me just want to give 80's Madonna a hug.

I mean, even the rhyming puns in 'Material Girl' are silly and cute.

Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me
I think theyre o.k.
If they dont give me proper credit
I just walk away

Boys may come and boys may go
And thats all right you see
Experience has made me rich
And now theyre after me, cause everybodys

Living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl


The other thing starting with 'M' *drum roll*...

Yes, I have a bloody WhoreSpace.

*le sigh*
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