Apr 24, 2005 18:18
I just saw Sarah Jessica Parker at the Apple Pan.
Me and Michelle met up with Don and Julie and the kiddies and had a lovely time chatting, gazing at his Emmys, and getting Simpsons gossip, and then we left to get burgers and pie. And we're finishing the pie, and we get up to leave and I hop out of my barstool-trap at the counter, swinging a leg over one, and then walk by the people waiting against the wall for a seat. As we walk out the door, Michelle says, "Did you see who that was?"
"That was Sarah Jessica Parker."
"NO." (This is LA, and a diner. This isn't right. She exists in Lanvin ateliers and brownstones in the village.)
So I, in my frenzied starstruck (and I mean starstruck) state, RUSH back in the place, stare her in the face, and quietly go, "HI! I totally did a double-take on my way out -- you don't know me at all, but I love your work."
"Aw, thank you, it's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, and have a great time at the Apple Pan!"
Then I booked it out, sure I came across like a deranged maniac Apple Pan greeter.
Part of me's horribly embarrassed for doing that, and part of me's still thrilled that I saw her.
That was definitely my white elephant, that was great.
I'm such a dork.