Long way from Conway (57 part 1/?)

Jun 26, 2011 12:36

Thanks to groffiction for this awesome banner <3

A/N: I have a tumblr now: glambertrock.tumblr.com/. I would enjoy followers or anyone who I can talk to or can answer my little ask questions, because unpublicguy can't answer everything himself :P My tumblr is the reason this may have any mistakes or seems rushed, because it's super addictive. Anyway, here you go and SORRY for no chapter last week <333

READ ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Hey party animal."

Looking up from his daughter in his lap as he rocks in their rocking chair, Adam sighs as Kris walks over, smirking like an idiot.

"That's not really funny, you know."

"Why aren't you in bed like any other hungover person would be?"

Adam shrugs. "I felt the need to cuddle Jessie. I mean......Kris, the trial is in just a few mere days. We're going to have to confront the girl who nearly made Jessie die. Made us die. I can't help but want to hold her close to me."

Kris places his hand on Adam's shoulder. "I can understand completely, but today is a happy day. James and Ben are getting married and we need to be happy. Hey, how's about we go take a quick walk to get excited for it?"

"That sounds pretty good. Besides, it may help me get over this hangover as far as I know. Hey, what are we going to do about Jessie? My parents are at work and Neil is at a friend's house."

Kris shrugs and picks up Jessie into his arms, bringing her over to her crib and gently placing her in. "I guess we could leave her in here. I mean, she does look tired. Maybe she'll sleep the whole time."

"What if she needs us or something bad happens?"

"She'll be okay," Kris assures, dragging Adam to the door eagerly as their little girl rests quietly in her crib, "we won't be gone for long, anyway."

"You sure?"

"Of course. What could happen?"


She knows she shouldn't be doing this.

She knows how bad this is.

She knows that this could ultimately screw her over in the trial.

But does that stop her from doing what she's doing?

Oh heck no.

She crawls through the bushes like a lioness awaiting the perfect moment to go for the kill, just anxious to get out and set her plans in motion. She stares at the front door, so close, and wishes on a silent prayer that she'll somehow catch the right moment to pounce and go for it. Lucky her, the moment comes all-too-shortly after, the two things keeping her from winning this attack leaving happily out that door without a care in the world, her one longed for item not even near them. Not even close.

It's most likely her one last opportunity.

They're gone in a few mere seconds, already far down the road to hear or see anything, and now it's her time to attack. She creeps up slowly but casually, her orange uniform being sort of a dead giveaway of her status if to be seen. As soon as she reaches the door, she immediately takes out a bobby pin, and within seconds, the door's open, all safe for her to go in.

She rushes through the house, desperately searching for her prey like a wild animal. Suddenly, she catches sight of a door with the name on it, the name of her prey.


Gently opening the door, she comes face-to-face with the bright pink room and the sight of her prey, all quiet and calm in her tiny, tiny crib. She prances over to it and then slowly picks up her prey, Jessie, and kisses her forehead. Then, torn, she takes Jessie and goes to what looks like an office to grab a notepad. After writing a quick note, she quickly goes back to the nursery, places the note, grabs a teddy bear for Jessie, and then flees the sight of the crime. As soon as she opens the door, she hurries outside and slams it shut.

She then gets away and goes back into the forest where she came from.

Looking down at the bundle, she can't help but smile in joy.

"Jessie...I think it's time you and Mama Crystal go home now, huh?"


"I can't wait to see the wedding," Kris says happily as they turn the last corner, leading to their street. "I can just imagine what Ben and James are thinking right now."

Adam smiles contently. "They must be ecstatic. I'd be, anyway."

"Hey, um.........just curious......are we ever going to get married?"

"Well of course. Jessie needs a stable family and all."


Adam shrugs. "I don't know. After we graduate? I honestly have no clue."

"Yeah," Kris says as they approach their driveway, "me neither. I'd guess maybe..............oh no."

"What," Adam asks curiously, "is something wrong? Are you okay?"

"Adam, are any of your family supposed to be home right now."

"No, I told you. They all are busy. Why?"

"Look at the door."


"Adam," Kris says as calm and slow as he can, "look at the door."

"I don't understand why I need to-"


Still not understanding, Adam turns to look at the door, and within a matter of seconds, he realizes just what Kris was talking about.

It was partly open.

"Oh no."

"Jessie," Kris yells, automatically running towards the door in panic. Luckily, Adam stops Kris in his tracks and pulls him close, silencing him.

"Kris, shh. Whoever opened that door could still be in there. We shouldn't make them worry and do anything irrational....like hurt Jessie."

Kris gulps. "Why isn't she crying, Adam?"

"I don't know. Y-you stay here. I'm going inside."

"No, Adam-"

"No offense, but I'm taller than you and a bit stronger. If the person decides to fight me, then I can easily fight back."

"You were shot just a little over a week ago, Adam. You shouldn't be fighting anyone, let alone threatening your life again."

Adam shrugs and then places a delicate kiss on Kris's lips. As he pulls away, he wipes a stray tear from his eye and places yet another kiss on his lips.

"I'll be okay. You just stay right here. You hear anything other than me telling you to come in, you call 911. Okay?"

Shaking, Kris nods, and with that, he lets Adam go into the house, fearing the worst.

Fearing that his little girl is gone.


"Hello? Is anyone here?"

Pacing the halls, he sees nothing and hears not even a mouse in the empty household. It's all silent.


A few minutes later, after searching nearly everywhere, Adam calls Kris in. As soon as they are together, they quickly go to the nursery, worried beyond belief. Standing in front of her door, Kris starts to break down, tears falling down his face.

"Kris," Adam whispers, bringing him into his arms, "it's going to be okay."

"How do you know that?"

Adam sighs. "I just know it will be. I promise. I also promise that I will keep searching for Jessie if she's not in here until I find her. I won't stop ever."



"I love you, Adam."

"I love you too, Kris. Now lets go."

Grabbing each other's hands tightly, Adam and Kris quickly push open the door and run to Jessie's crib. As soon as they see it, their world comes to a shocking halt.

She's not there.

Jessie is gone.


"Shhhhh," she whispers quietly as Jessie fidgets in her arms, "it's okay baby girl. Mama is gonna' take good care of you. I've got you away from those nasty people."

Jessie starts to cry, but she quickly covers her face and muffles the sound with her shirt, making Jessie not only quiet but even more fidgety.

"You need to listen to me. We are going to start a new life here. I have a cabin about a mile from here that I built a while back before your Daddy met me. It has food and a bed and clothes....I even got you some diapers from a lady in jail with me! It'll be great, darling. Promise. Now, let's go."

And with that, Crystal un-smuggles her and runs off in the direction of her hidden cabin.

Little did she know, she missed something that would later be her biggest fault.

Jessie had kicked off a slipper of hers in her fuss.

A slipper that would save her life...........


To be continued...............

haters gonna freakin hate, they kissed, halp!, my heart, craziness, forgive me gaga, i cannot even, hail to the naw, groffiction, sad things, serious shiz, i don't even know, trolling trolling trolling, kradam, love, long way from conway, adam lambert, highschool, redic....ulous, kris allen, hugs, seriously?, family, i am way too bored today, jessie marie

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