Sup everyone :)
Just wanted to say that I have a tumblr now. Yes, I caved and created one (well...I did about two or three months ago, but now I actually am using it :P), and I'm in need of people who I can actually talk to, since I'm such a newbie :P Also, some people who I can ask questions without looking like a dork :P lol
So, if any of you guys have a tumblr, I would love it if you could post a link to yours so I can follow you and then follow me :)
Here: <33333333 Thx :D
PS: Can someone tell me where I can see who is following me? And how I can comment on like, let's say, a note, without re-blogging? Thx :D
PSS: (LWFC readers: I am most likely not updating today due to me being under the weather lately...will post within the week, if possible! Sorry <3)