This made me cry: WWYD gay family in resturaunt in TX

May 30, 2011 15:38

Hello all...

Now, as you probably can tell with my constant drooling over Darren Criss and his hotness, I'm not gay. I'm kind far from it, actually. Yet, I'm all for people who are gay and would never deny them anything. I'm Christian, I'm from the South, and yet I am all for them. It's not my right to judge, and when talking with actual gay people, it seems like they are nicer than a lot of straight people, too. Nothing's wrong with them and I never would do anything mean against them.

I was searching on the web around tumblr and came upon this one video that caught my eye. It's from the show 'What Would You Do?', a sometimes highly touching show testing people's reactions to touchy subjects and what they would do in a situation where they had the choice to leave or go and help. This one video is about a family eating in a Texas family styled restaurant. The mothers, who are actresses, are lesbian and they have two kids, a boy and a girl, who are also actors/actresses. The show decided to see what people would do if they heard a waitress (actress) say horrible homophobic comments to the family.

It being Texas, you wouldn't really think many people would be sticking up for the family, considering it is a very conservative state, a red state. Turns out, that is just a stereotype.

Here it is:

image Click to view

They all are touching, but the man with the letter is the one who really made me tear up. This guy just did everything right and I, like the lady, wanted to hug him. I would've been like him if I was in that situation. He told her off and yet comforted the family in a nice manner. It brought a tear to my eye, yet I never have to go through that stuff and rarely ever go near stuff where situations like that actually happen.

Yet it touched me.

I really love how it's the Texas citizens instead of the New York citizens who show more care towards the gay family.  It totally breaks the stereotype, and that just makes me feel so happy for some reason.

Anyway, I really hope you guys felt as touched as I was by this.

Bye :)

love, my heart, craziness, i cannot even, hugs, family, sad things, serious shiz, the beauty-it burns

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