Long way from Conway (54/?)

May 29, 2011 12:20

Thanks to groffiction for this wonderful banner :)

A/N: Well, hello again! Sorry for no update last week, but it really did help me in my finals. I aced everything except Math (yeah, I suck in that subject naturally no matter how much I study :P), and even there I got a B, so it all worked out well :) I'm sorry for the really short chapter here. I'm really drained after my finals and I just started it last night, so...yeah. I hope you like it, nevertheless, and I promise, once I get into summer, I'll update with much better chapters. I'll have time, then ;) So, enjoy, and I'll update next week with a better one ;)

She shouldn't be like this.

Kris looks into his daughter's small incubator and can't help but start to cry as he thinks over the recent events of his life.

Of all the ways that he's messed up lately.

All of his regrets.

The negative points.


Looking up, Kris sniffles as he sees his love, Adam, get off his cot and come up next to him, wrapping his arms lazily around his waist.

"Love, you okay?"

"Yeah. I was just....thinking."

"About what?"


Adam chuckles and kisses Kris's neck. "What kind of things?"

Kris sighs. "What are we going to do if Crystal doesn't get sentenced to life in prison?"

"Hope she gets what she deserves in prison?"

"Seriously Adam," Kris groans, less than amused, "what are we going to do? What if she tries to get more revenge and ends up hurting Jessie?"

"We'd not let it happen. If she tries any crap, we can just send her sorry butt back to jail. Simple. Now, please babe, can we stop dwelling on the bad things and dwell on our daughter? She looks healthy this morning, don't you think?"

Kris shrugs. "I guess so. I can't see much with her body all surrounded by those wires and stuff."

Adam sighs. "You are so negative this morning, you know that? What you need is some breakfast. You want to come down to the cafeteria with me and get some together?"

"Nah," Kris replies, frowning, "I don't want to leave my little girl."

"You need to eat, love."

"I can wait."

"But Kris-"

"I SAID I CAN WAIT," Kris yells, staring straight at Adam furiously. "Look.....can I just have some time alone with her? Please? You can come back with food if you want, just....please."

Adam slowly retracts from Kris and heads to the door, a tear faintly falling from his eye as he turns the corner and leaves the room. Kris groans.

"Life sucks, huh baby girl?"

In her incubator, Jessie stirs a bit, her little arms moving about as much as they can attached to all the wires.

"Your Papa must hate me now. Honestly, I can't blame him. I've ruined so much in his life already.....he doesn't deserve this crap. He doesn't deserve my constant ruining of his life. You don't deserve it, either, baby girl."

Jessie makes a small whine. Kris chuckles sadly.

"I never want you to have to go through the crap she gives your Papa and I, love. It may be too late for us, but.....you deserve better than to live with that devil lady in your life."

Kris sighs. "I'm going to make sure your life is a thousand times better than ours is. I guess that means I have to apologize to your Papa, though, because you don't deserve to see us fight. That's a very bad thing."

"Apology accepted."

Turning around, Kris finds Adam at the door with tears in his eyes, his face just full of love. He runs up to him and hugs him tight, finding that little crook in Adam's neck that he swears was built for him.


Kris sniffles. "Yeah?"

"A nurse in the hallway said that...well...we should start to pack our stuff up because..Jessie needs to go home now. You uh....you want to go home?"

Laughing, Kris takes Adam by the hand and pulls him to their bags, his eyes filled with joy and his heart pounding.

"We're so going home."


"Well, well, well, if it isn't the blondie with the baby," is the first thing Crystal hears as she is thrown into her new jail cell. She stares at the person in shock.

"Del? Why...why are you in this cell? I thought it was only for high crime convicts."

Del shrugs. "They're out of space. Anyway, I see you have no more baby, no? Where is it, in jail, too?"

Crystal shakes her head. "Her actual father took her from me and now he's made sure that her full custody goes to him and his 'boyfriend'."

Del laughs. "You did it with a gay guy? OH MY GOSH, CHICA, HAHA! THAT'S HILAAAAAAAARIOUS!"

"No it is not," Crystal snaps in response. "He really is straight, I know it."

"Apparently not straight enough to like you! BAHAHAHAHA!"

"Will you shut up, you old hag?"

Del shakes her head and then falls on to the floor in laughter, her face growing red. "Did he make you do anal so that he'd be familiar with it? HAHAHA!"


"Sure, yell at me," Del says in response, still cackling up a storm. "It just gives the guards more to hear and pin against you at trials and stuff. Bad behavior can get a girl locked up for good. Especially when that girl is totally loca like you."

"Go die, Del."

Del rolls her eyes. "You'll die first, anyway."


"Word got around that you shot your boy's boyfriend while you were still preggers. Word also got around that this isn't the first time you've tried to kill him. You even tried to kill your boy, if that makes any sense. Crystal, babe, you're looking at either life here or the chair."


"Maybe worse. I think they still use lethal injection around here..."

"No," Crystal fires back, "they can't do that to me! I'm just a kid! I have a baby!"

"Not anymore. Face it, chica, that kid was your last chance at surviving longer in this place and world. Oh, and they will still kill you if you have the record behind it. Besides, it's not like you're that far from being an adult. You're what, seventeen?"

Crystal nods. "Eighteen in September."

"Well, then, you're doomed if you don't get life here. And even then, you're doomed."

Next to her, Crystal starts to cry, tears trickling out faster than waterfalls. Del sighs.

"Sorry chica."


"You know Adam," Brad says over the phone, "I think I deserved to be at least notified of my little girl getting hurt like she did."

Adam laughs as he rocks Jessie gently in her nursery. "Brad, it's not like it crossed our mind exactly to tell the world that she was hurt."

"I still think that is no excuse. If it was Cass and I's little girl or boy, we would've called you ASAP, no matter what relation you'd have to him or her."

"Speaking of you and Cass, how are you guys? Things till going well between you?"

Brad sighs happily. "We're doing fabulous. Cass is such a gentleman and he always takes me shopping with money from his job at the mall. My gosh, he's the cutest most loving thing in the world, Adam. Now I see why you and Kris are always joined at the hip. This love thing is like a never ending high. It's such a drug."

Adam laughs quietly. "Glad you guys are so head over heels for each other."

"Speaking of jobs, Mr. Lambert," Brad says in a teasing voice, "when are you and Kris going to get one? You need to get one to support that little bottomless pit you're raising."

"Brad, be nice."

"What, I'm just telling the truth!"

"Well, my mom and dad and Kris's parents are going to take care of her food and stuff for a little while until we have enough money to even somewhat support her. Kris told me last night before bed that he's going to try to get a job in the mall like Cass has."

'What about you?"

Adam sighs. "I don't know. I mean....you know I want to be a singer, but....well..."

"Not always a steady job, huh?"

"Yeah. And the fact that I'm gay and with a baby at seventeen won't exactly go over well with a lot of people."

"You always have to give it a try, though. You could actually become a star, Adam. Think about it. Jessie would be supported so much, you'll have enough money for her to go to college when she needs it, you'll have enough money to buy yourselves your own house, you can have a fantastic wedding-"

"Or I can fall flat on my face," Adam says back, making Brad sigh on the other line.

"You have to try, Adam. Call Gaga up. Ask for a chance, love. Do it for Jessie and Kris. They deserve a better life than what you guys are leading right now."

Looking down at his little girl, sleeping peacefully in his arms without a care in the world, Adam shuts his eyes, takes a deep breath, and then makes his decision, right then and there."

"Fine. I'll go for it."


To be continued........

they kissed, my heart, craziness, forgive me gaga, i cannot even, brad bell, groffiction, cuteness overload, i don't even know, summer, trolling trolling trolling, kradam, love, long way from conway, adam lambert, highschool, kris allen, hugs, i am way too bored today, cassidy, jessie marie

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