Long way from Conway (51/?)

May 01, 2011 13:47

Thanks to groffiction for all her amazing work =)

A/N: Well, here it is! Now, I must admit that it's not as long as I wish it'd be and that it's most likely not my best work compared to other things. But I do have my reasons. A) I have finals soon. Studying sucks and is too time consuming, I tell ya'. B) I wrote klaine and posted it Wednesday. Due to not having a steady fanbase on kurt_blaine, I have to post pretty quickly the second part of it. So, I've been writing that in addition to this. C) Starship came out right when I was going to write. Starship, guyz. Check it out. That took up my whole night and three whole hours. Finally, D) my muse for anything is just struggling right now. So....yeah. I guess I'm sorry? But, either way, you get cuteness and stuff, so, be happy :) So, anyway, I hope you enjoy what I have here, and if I find the time, I'll try and make next week's update bigger and better ;) And PS: groffiction's banner for LWFC will be made shortly, so if the one up is not already changed to the new one, it will be soon :) Just check back. And I'll also post a separate entry when it comes, so if you don't want to keep refreshing, you can wait for that :)

Anyway, READ ON! ;D

Previously on LWFC.....

"Look Jessie," Adam whispers to his daughter, "this is home!"

"Come on guys," Allison says, dragging the boys along, "we want to show you guys something!"

The group walks towards the back of the house and then walks to the spare room. Allison smiles and then opens it.



Adam and Kris are stopped short, their eyes wide and their jaws dropped to the ground in shock.

The room around them is painted a beautiful shade of pink and has a small wallpaper boarder halfway up that goes around the whole room with butterflies and flowers on it. In one corner, there's a wonderful faded pink crib with a mobile on it, dangling butterflies and stars from it. Inside the crib are tons of stuffed animals and a beautiful quilt with more critters on it. In another corner of the room was the changing table and the rocking chair, both with pink fabric patterns that matched the room perfectly. On the final open wall is the long pink dresser every girl needs. Finally, on the ground by their feet is a beautiful rug with a wonderful butterfly pattern on it that lead up to the one window in the room like a path.

It looks perfect.

"Oh my gosh," Kris gasps out, taking a few steps into the room, "it's beautiful."

"Who," Adam asks as he walks up to the crib, "who did this?"

Brad smirks. "Both of your mothers and brothers painted, all of us friends of you bought the furniture and stuff, and I designed the whole dang thing."

Kris gasps and walks up to Brad, his eyes wide in shock. "You did this?"

"Just think of it as an offering of thanks for forgiving me. But enough of that, you two need to check out the girls' and my choices for Jessie's outfits!"

"Oh good gosh," Adam says with a chuckle, "you helped pick my daughters clothes?"

"Just a few. They aren't going to be ugly, ding dong. She is my 'guardian daughter', you know."

"Come on Adam," Kris quickly says as he sees the glares on the two boy's faces, pulling him and his daughter over to the dresser, "let's go see what they chose."

"Fine. But I'm not-oh my gosh, is that sparkly?"

Laughing, Kris picks up the sparkly outfit and shows it to Adam, a smile evident on his face. "Our little girl is going to definitely stand out, alright. She already has glitter on her clothes, for pete sakes."

"I want her to wear this so bad right now," Adam hurries out, his eyes wide like a child's on Christmas morning. "Can she wear it?"

Jamie shrugs and turns to Brad for confirmation. "Isn't she a little, er, small for them, being a pre-me and all?"

"It was custom-made," Brad replies, looking directly at Adam and Kris. "Cassidy has a cousin who makes awesome clothing. We told her Jessie's length and weight and she made it. Jessie could probably try it on, if you want."

Kris looks to Adam and shrugs. "Want to?"

"Considering she's sleepy right now, sure."

While Kris fishes out the matching hat from the open dresser drawer, Adam takes Jessie to the changing table, resting her down on it gently, making sure she was safe. He then begins to undress her, carefully helping Jessie's arms through the holes and shimmying her legs out of her outfit's legs. Kris walks up next to Adam, his eyes never looking away from Jessie's deep blue ones, and quickly yet carefully shimmies the sparkling outfit on her tiny body.

It fit. Wonderfully.

Jessie squirms around a bit as soon as Kris's hands leave her, and before they can stop it, she starts to cry, her small yet powerful cries filling the room along with 'aww's being uttered by Leila and Kim. Kris looks to Adam and smirks.

"I've already quieted her before many times," he teases. "It's your turn."

"You suck," Adam whispers in response. Picking up Jessie into his arms, he easily cradles her and then sits down in the rocking chair, giggling as her crying stops momentarily in response to the sudden rocking. Looking into her eyes, Adam sighs and starts to sing a small tune to her.

"Golden slumber kiss your eyes,
smiles await you when you rise.
Sleep, pretty baby,
do not cry,
and I will sing you a lullaby.
Care is heavy, therefore sleep,
while I o'er you watch do keep.
Sleep, pretty darling,
do not cry,
and I will sing you a lullaby."
The room is astonished at how easily little Jessie falls quiet and into a simple sleep, but even more surprised at how perfectly Adam's voice got her to that state. Looking up at Kris, Adam smiles and slowly gets up, careful not to wake up the sleeping newborn in his strong arms. He walks over to the crib and hesitantly places Jessie into her bed. The baby stirs, her little body rocking slightly as if she was trying to find the right position. Suddenly, Adam feels his mother by his side and sees her look over the quiet baby like a hawk.

Finally, she sighs and places a blanket over the little sleeping body, relief over her face.

"Sweetie," she whispers to Adam, "you have to make sure never to ever place her asleep in any other position than on her back while she's a baby."

"Why," Kris asks, joining them, "will she choke or something?"

"She could die of sudden infant death syndrome," Leila answers, her hand lightly tracing along Jessie's forehead. "You guys have to remember to have her sleep on her back, okay?"

Nodding, Adam peers down at his little girl and gulps, looking at her peaceful face. "Okay. I promise."

"Me too," Kris agrees, gazing at Jessie lovingly.

"Now," Kim says, appearing at the two's side, "before you guys get too swept up in the baby drama, Leila and I would like to tell you two of a little...gift we have lined up. Raising a baby at any age is hard for the first couple of weeks, especially for a pair like you two, not even eighteen. So, to lighten your moods before the trial and such, your fathers and us have planned for you guys to have what I call, three days of 'calm before the storm'. While we take care of Jessie and make sure she's safe, you two can relax and hang out with your friends, have time to yourselves, or just plain out sleep."

"Babies take away a lot of that," Leila says with a wink to the two, "trust me."

Adam frowns. "I resent that."

"I resent the fact that you made us stay up with your insane crying, sweetheart."

Jaw dropped to the ground, Kris laughs and hugs his mother tight, joy all over his face. "I just want to kiss you so much for doing this, Mom."

"Actually," Kim says hesitantly, fidgeting in her spot, "it was Brad's idea for us to give you two some privacy before you two have to go all father duty."

Turning to Brad, Kris smirks and starts to walk towards him, scaring Brad almost instantly. "What are you doing Kristopher?"

"Come here, Bradly."


"I'm not going to hurt you, dude."

"Will you stop scaring me, Kris?"

"We can get this over with pretty quick, Brad."


And just like that, it happens.

Kris takes Brad's face into his hands and kisses him, shocking everyone in the room. Adam just laughs, his smile turning up in the corners, making it a smirk.

"I never thought I'd see the day when my ex-boyfriend and my current boyfriend make out in front of my family, my friends, and my daughter, but......well, here we are."

"I have never been so turned on yet grossed out in my life," Gabby says to a very shocked and disturbed Casey, "but dang, I like it."

Tommy covers his eyes as Allison shoves the two off of each other, her face full of confusion. "The hell is wrong with you? This is a baby nursery, not some redneck TV show where the family starts marrying off to one another!"

"Brad made this day wonderful," Kris says, still not off cloud nine, "so I just had to do something to show my immediate thanks."

"By kissing him?!?!"

Kris shrugs. "It was what I said I'd do to Leila, and my mind was on the subject of kissing, so....it happened!"

"Ew," Jamie utters, covering her mouth. "Just...ew."

"You know, Kris," Gabby says, walking up to him so that they are face-to-face, "I must say this one thing to you, and may I say, this is just my complete honesty, okay?"


"I sure as heck hope Jessie isn't as smart as you."


As nighttime falls on the Lambert household, Adam and Kris are already packed up, ready to go, awaiting their stay that night at the Hilton hotel not far away. Eber and Neil have already helped them fit their bags into Kris's car and Leila has already given them enough money to last the few days doing whatever they pleased, being not illegal, of course.

Now, just one thing stood in their way of going off on what might be the best and their last amazing trip for a while.


The two tip-toe into the pink room as quiet as spies, seeing that Jessie is sound asleep in her comfy crib, and then peer over the big crib's bars to see their little girl closer. Her face, even though about three months early, looks perfect, and her little peach fuzz hair looks so soft upon her tiny head.

They feel lucky.

"Adam," Kris says, sounding choked up, "I almost don't want to leave."

"Same here, babe, but my Mom is right. We should get some time off before we have to really go full parenting. Besides, she'll be okay. Her grandmothers and grandfathers and uncles will be watching over her. I think we have nothing to worry about."

"I still am going to miss her," Kris whimpers in reply, and as Adam turns to see his face, he can see that he's actually crying because of this. Pulling him close, Adam squeezes Kris's body tight and then presses a delicate kiss on his forehead, making Kris look up at him.

"I'm going to miss her, too, babe."

Kris sighs through his tears. "Will she think we just left her here?"

Adam laughs. "No, of course not! She knows we love her and would never leave her. I don't think three days away can change that, Kris."

"I hope so."

"Okay boys," Leila whispers as she walks into the nursery, "it's time for you two to leave!"

"Bye sweetheart," Kris coos to his little girl, gently petting her peach-fuzzed head, "I'll miss you."

"Bye Jess, " Adam also coos, holding Kris close by his waist, "I'll miss you, too. Be good for your family, okay?"

"We'll be back in a little while."

Adam nods. "Before you'll even know it, love."


"Bye baby girl."

And with that, the three days began.


Late in the deep night, the boys finally are settled into their room at the hotel, both of them all showered and unpacked, and are tucked snugly into their bed. Adam's lying on the left side of the bed and has his arm draped around Kris's waist on the right side of it, their bodies super close. Suddenly, Kris lets out a tired yawn and snuggles closer.

He was about to fall asleep, and fast.

"Kris," Adam asks quietly, "are you scared about raising Jessie?"

"Sort of," Kris replies during a yawn, "but I know we'll both get through it together and that she's going to be such a joy to be with one day."

"I'm worried about been a teen."

"Why," Kris asks, "because people may look at us weird? Baby, if so, we don't have to lis-"

"It's because we may be throwing out our chances of having a normal life, Kris," Adam rambles out, his eyes glued to Kris's face in the mirror hung in front of their closet. "We won't have all the free time we used to have to make love or to kiss or to just rest and do something we want to do for a change. And you said you may want to go to college? What do you think will happen there? You go to classes for nearly the whole day while I sit back and take care of her non-stop? What if I decide to really go through with my music career and take up that offer that Gaga gave me a while ago? Will I have to give that up so you can get a fancy college degree in something that will send you to work in one of those cube work spaces while I have to take care of Jessie the whole day by myself?"

Kris sighs. "I would never leave you alone with Jessie, Adam. If I'm freaking out about leaving for three mere days, than how could I leave for countless hours every day?"

"You will be able to when she gets older," Adam snaps back, "because by then, this thing you have with leaving her will be almost worn off and you'll find it easier to leave for longer amounts of time."

"Adam," Kris whispers, catching his attention, "I promise to never do that. I promise that we will find free time to be with each other. I promise to let you explore your dreams while I do the same with mine. I promise to not let Jessie get in the way of us and I promise to always show my love for you, no matter what we may have to do with her. Okay?"


"I love you, Adam," Kris whispers, turning his head so that he could kiss Adam's cheek, "and I know this is hard. I'll always be there for you, though."

"I love you too, Kris."

"I'm sure I love you more."

"No, I love you more."

"I'd doubt that."

"Kris, I love you more."

"Adam, babe, you're wrong. I love you more."

"Are you just messing with me right now?"


"Goodnight, Kristopher."

"Goodnight Adam.........I love you."

"Go to bed, Kris."


To be continued......

they kissed, my heart, craziness, forgive me gaga, banner, brad bell, groffiction, cuteness overload, trolling trolling trolling, kradam, love, long way from conway, adam lambert, highschool, kim allen, kris allen, hugs, i am way too bored today, cassidy, jessie marie

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