Cheer for the Orange and Blue (Klaine 1/?)

Apr 27, 2011 12:59

A/N: ENJOY! :D Oh, and plz comment ;)

"Kill me."

Burt turns and laughs at his son lightheartedly before turning his attention back to the large green turf field in front of them full with what Kurt can only describe as to being a group of cavemen fighting for a ball. Kurt never liked football much, simply because of how dirty and rough the players got, and he really was appalled to the whole idea of going down on a perfectly good Saturday to a crowded stadium to watch it up close. Nevertheless, he couldn't dare pass up spending time with his father, and after a little bit more begging from Burt and his step-brother Finn, he decided to go.

Right now, he regrets that so much.

"Did that neanderthal just trample that guy in the striped shirt," Kurt yells over the roar of the crowd to Finn, "or am I going crazy?"

"I'd say both, but don't worry," Finn replies, his face still locked on to the field and unchanged by Kurt's now glaring expression, "the refs get trampled a lot. I mean, I guess they do, considering they have games every weekend. Oooh, did you just see that? Damn, that was a good pass!"

Sighing, Kurt sits back in his seat-thankfully one of the bleachers with seat-backings-and sifts through his cell phone contacts in attempt to start a conversation more in-depth than 'Do you think the QB is off today?' or 'Twenty bucks their Quarterback breaks his arm before the third quarter'. Luckily, he finds his friend  Mercedes' number almost instantly and sends her a text desperately.

May scream bloody murder here. Can you see me on TV? Do I look good? xoxo -Kurt

In a matter of seconds, he gets a reply, a breath of relief escaping his near-chapped lips.

He has reception!

Praying for ya', boo. No, but betting you look prettier than anyone there. Text if u spot a guy. -Mercedes

With a disappointed groan at the current status of his 'in-depth conversation', Kurt shoves his cell back into his pockets and watches the field in boredom.

They have pretty good seats, he can't complain. According to what he heard his father say, they were seated twenty rows up on the fifty yard line, whatever that was. He could see the field pretty well, and it was very easy to see the player's names on the back of their jerseys. They were on the opponents side, the 'Gators' from what the scoreboard said, but were surrounded by primarily all fellow Ohio State fans covered in red outfits, so Finn and Burt were not complaining at all. Suddenly, as Kurt's relaxing just starts to lull him into a sleep, the crowd roars and he sees Burt and Finn high-five each other, huge enthralled looks on their already content faces. It makes Kurt jump a bit, but not so much that it would make others notice. Including them.

Until they turn to high five him back and see him less than amused in the 'seat'. Finn sighs.

"Try to get into the game a bit, bro," he says, well intentioned. "You may just like it if you try to learn about it."

Kurt slightly nods, giving him and Burt the response they wanted to see, but then folds his arms and snuggles more into his jacket with a grumble. The thing was, he has tried. Repeatedly so. Yeah, they still were only in the first quarter, and yeah, the score was far from being the final one, but he just couldn't understand it. Even when others would try to help him understand, he just couldn't wrap his head around the subject. It's not hard to get, since Finn even understands it, but he just can't-

"Whoa," he hears a boy say near him to his right, "seems like our Gators are getting a little sluggish, huh Wes?"

"Hell yeah," the guy who probably was this 'Wes' person replies, "but that's only because we weren't here. COME ON GATORS!"

Kurt groans into his jacket and then finally turns to see that, oh, these boys were sitting next to him and, oh, one of them is cute. They both are bundled up in the other team's bright orange and blue colors, one with a nice, fluffy orange and blue scarf wrapped tightly around his neck and the other with orange and blue gloves. Kurt can tell just by the over-use of winter clothing that, wherever this team is from, they sure are not from anywhere north. Amused by the boys, he subtly decides to look them over. He starts with the guy who he thinks is cute, a blush faintly creeping up his face just by the thought of looking. The boy has dark, dark curly hair and the cutest dark brown eyes that, as he can see, light up every single time he smiles. He's got a bright, cheerful smile and very white teeth that Kurt's sure must mean good hygiene, one of his secret requirements in a man. The boy is pretty well built from what Kurt can see, too, even though he's bundled up in two jackets and his fluffy scarf. He just looks fantastic, and as he sits quietly in his seat, he can't help but hope that maybe, just maybe, this guy was gay and single.


"Hi," the boy suddenly says, making Kurt nearly knock over his bottle of water by his feet, "I'm Blaine Anderson."

Being polite, Kurt gives Blaine his best realistic yet fake smile in reply, looking him directly in the eye as he says, "Kurt Hummel, nice to meet you."

"Is the game good?"

Kurt laughs. "I have no clue, really. I'm not much of a football fan, to be truthful."

"Oh," Blaine says, a smirk building up in his face, "then why are you in this stadium, let alone watching football?"

"My Dad and step-brother. And a bit of guilt."

Blaine chuckles to himself and then breaks the conversation to quickly yell, "COME ON, BRANTLEY, THROW THE DANG BALL TO OUR GUYS," into the air, earning a couple looks from surrounding Buckeye fans. He then turns back to Kurt, smiling.

"Sorry," he says apologetically, actually seeming sincere. "I'm just a big fan and, well, being a fan almost my whole life....I can't exactly talk the whole time while my team is tanking, ya' know?"

He doesn't, but Blaine is looking cuter by the second, so Kurt nods and flashes him a hopefully understanding grin.

"You know, down in Florida, it gets this cold the midst of winter. Not during fall like it is now."

Kurt wants to pity him, looking down at his own outfit. All he's wearing is a simple long sleeve black shirt with a Buckeye logo on it, thanks to Finn, long skinny jeans, and a red jacket that is thankfully hiding the freaky weird logo. The temperature's probably thirty nine degrees, but he doesn't really feel it at all, considering he's surrounded by a bunch of people who are going crazy and nearly sweating just from cheering.

They look like freakin' Eskimos.

"I really can't tell that it's too cold," he admits with a shrug. "It must be because I live here."

"Must be."

"Hey Blaine," Kurt overhears Wes say over the groans of the crowd, "I'll be back in a few. I'm gonna' go get a pretzel."

Blaine laughs. "I thought you ate on the way here."


"Go ahead," Blaine allows, a huge grin on his face. "I'll stay right here. I mean, someone's got to scream for the cheerleaders while you're away."

"Shut up," Wes says, getting up from his seat, and right then, Kurt feels his heart sink. So he's not gay, he thinks to himself as he gazes under his eyelashes at Blaine. He feels like an idiot, talking to him all flirtatiously. Biting his lip, he looks over at his brother and father and sees them not even somewhat knowing he's there, yelling and cheering like fan girls. Just then, he feels a tap to his shoulder and turns to Blaine faster than his mind can process, nearly scaring Blaine.

"Hey," he says, laughing, "you okay? Did I scare you?"

Kurt blushes, then mentally curses himself for it seconds after. "No, I'm fine. I was just thinking."

"Oh yeah? About what?"

You. "About how crazy my brother and father are looking right now," he says instead, a sad sigh escaping his lips. "They're verging on bizarre to me."

"I've acted worse," Blaine says, huddling into his jackets as he looks at the field. "One time, at a game against Florida State, I yelled so much that they had to kick me out of the stadium."

Kurt snorts, unable to hide his amusement at that. "Oh really? What did you say?"

"I called them cheaters. And sons of female dogs."

"So rebellious."

"I still haven't said what I did to their mascot's horse."

Biting his lip, Kurt shifts in his chair and smiles at Blaine mischievously, his mind turning to his various shopping sprees with Mercedes and his other girl friends filled with tons of wild comments and actions from him.

This conversation could go somewhere.


Third quarter, six minutes and forty four seconds to go, the score twenty eight to twenty seven, Gators in the lead. Burt and Finn are sitting at the edge of their seats, their eyes glued to the field like flies staring at a light bulb. Wes has settled into his seat and is watching the game intently, still chowing down on his pretzel like the world depended on it's devouring.

Kurt and Blaine are in a heated conversation about Lady Gaga vs. Katy Perry, and Kurt's pretty sure Blaine's gay now.

"You know, Kurt, Gaga never wore blue hair," Blaine says proudly as if he was the best thing in the world. "Katy did, and she rocked it."

"Katy never wore an outfit made of meat."

"Now that's not fair," he quickly fires back at Kurt, pointing a finger at him. "Katy didn't wear meat because she is more stylish than Gaga. She doesn't need an animal to be beautiful-"

"Gaga is beautiful, Blaine," Kurt says, stammering.

"Yes, but Katy doesn't need the help of animal body to-"

"Hey Blaine," Wes cuts in, not even realizing the two were talking, "twenty bucks Brantley hits Demps on the next pass."

Blaine sighs and turns to his friend, reluctantly leaving the conversation. Kurt relaxes back into his seat and watches the Florida boy place bets with Wes. So far, other than their choice between Gaga and Katy Perry, the two really had a lot in common. They both were Seniors in high school, they both loved Vogue and everything printed in it, they both agreed that ice cream mended every sorrow of the heart, and so on and so on. Kurt is really starting to like Blaine, and frankly, he wishes he could pull the whole state of Florida and just attach it to Ohio forever. And ever.

For now, though, he'll just start by sending college applications to the University of Florida like heck.

The calm of the crowd for the moment makes Kurt feel almost at peace a bit in the giant stadium. He feels the brisk air in a way comfort him, making himself snuggle more into his jacket and rest his head a bit more into the comfort of the uncomfortable seat backing. He shuts his eyes and lets his mind drift, enjoying the odd quiet of the world around him.

That's when he feels a delicate finger gently brush his bangs out of his eyes and slightly cup his face.

Finn wouldn't do that...and Burt's on the other side of that leaves....

My gosh.

He tries to stay cool, he really does, but he can't help himself but to blush deeply at the small touch. Blaine, the cutie from Florida who was borderline gay in his mind, just did something so......adorably sweet. It made his heart flutter a bit, and he lets out a small sigh. Inside, he just knows Blaine's still watching and probably can tell he's awake now, but he doesn't really care.

A cute guy. Who likes what he likes. Who is adorable. Might like him.

How could he possibly care about anything right now?

"Hey Kurt, wake up, bro!"

Okay, that he can care about for sure.

"Finn Hudson, I swear to you, I'll rip up all your bedding and tear apart your season tickets to the Buckeye's basketball games you bought if you try to wake me up one more time," Kurt snaps out, and to his right, he can hear a faint snort and chuckle followed by a loud 'GO GATORS' by Wes. It makes him want to smile so hard, but right now, he can't, thanks to his annoying brother.

"I'll rip up your clothes if you do that."

"I'll tell Rachel that, yes indeed, you still love her and that Quinn is just a cover."

"You wouldn't."

Kurt smirks in his laziness and nods in his direction, pleased with winning the fight. "I oh-so would. Now, uh...go watch the game or something. Look at a few cheerleaders. Just leave me be, okay?"

Finn nods nervously and quickly strums up a conversation with Burt as Kurt resumes his 'slumber'. Suddenly, he feels Blaine lean a bit closer to him, their warmth making him feel almost cozy in the cold air, and feels him move his arm so that their elbows are ever-so-slightly touching. Lightening nearly shoots up Kurt's veins and his heart is racing faster than it ever should at the small touch, and it electrifies Kurt beyond belief. He opens his eyes wide and looks at Blaine in a mixture of shock and curiosity.

Blaine is grinning wickedly back, his eyes sparkling.

"Do you need something," Kurt almost whispers, the space between them not much at all, "or do you just like to be near people's elbows?"

For a moment, Blaine looks puzzled. Then, within seconds, he's laughing harder than Kurt's seen him laugh, and in a split second, Kurt thinks to himself that, hey, he could get used to that laugh. That laugh may be like a drug to him one day if he keeps hearing it like this. Before he can revel in the drug anymore, Blaine stops with a loud sigh and rests his head against Kurt's, igniting a spark between their bodies that immediately makes Kurt's heart skip a beat or two in response.

"I think a bit of both," he says to break the sudden silence between the two, and Kurt giggles at the answer, blush once again creeping up his pale skin again.

"Not to be rude but......are you gay, Blaine? Because...I don't know if...."

"If this is just going to lead off into nothing, huh?"

Kurt nods. "Exactly."

"Well," Blaine sing-songs, folding his hands into his lap, "I'm glad to inform you that I am. And I'm single, in case you want to know."



Staring at Kurt's shocked expression, Blaine shifts uncomfortably, and Kurt wonders if he should've said more than the goofy 'oh' that escaped before he could reel it in coolly. He feels the heat of Blaine's eyes bearing into his face as he looks down at his jeans awkwardly, trying to think out what to do next.

"I'm sorry," Blaine says as the crowd starts to boo at whatever play was just ran, "I shouldn't have said that. That was a bit too much for me to say. I came on a bit too strong there, Kurt. Sorry."

Kurt wants to snuggle him, he looks so worried. "It's fine. Um....shocking, yes, wasn't too bad. You just were being..honest."

"Yeah, well-"

"Hey Blaine," Wes says, a huge smile on his face, "it's time for 'We Are The Boys'! Get the heck up, bro!"

Looking up at Blaine as he stands up, Kurt raises his eyebrow and cocks his head to the side. Not only was he totally confused, but he's pretty sure they were just in the middle of a huge conversation.

He thinks that maybe, he might have to just kill Wes if he continued with this craziness.

The Florida band starts to play, and across the stadium, Kurt can see other Gator fans standing up and swaying along to the slow song. He turns to his family and gives them a look that they just return with confused shrugs.

"Must be a Florida thing," Finn says. "I wouldn't know, considering we barely ever play them."

Suddenly, he feels another careful tap on his shoulder, and when he turns to hear what Blaine has to say, he's brought up out of his seat with a bright grin. Blaine wraps his arm around Kurt's back and laughs at his bewildered expression.

"You said you didn't like football, so you maybe you'll like to sing, huh?"

Kurt smirks. "I love to sing. But I don't know the song."

"Look up at the scoreboard. They'll play the lyrics."

He immediately does what Blaine asks, and just like he said there would be, the lyrics are up on the bright screen, colored bright orange and blue.

We are the boys from old Florida.
Where the girls are the fairest, the boys are the squarest,
of any old state down our way-HEY!

Halfway through the song, Kurt looks over at his family very quickly and sees mixed expressions. Burt looked halfway between disowning him and sitting him back down and Finn looked very confused.

Frankly, he's got a guy's arm around his back, and he's gay, and he's cute, so he could really care less.

We are all strong for old Florida,
down where the old Gators play-GO GATORS!
In all kinds of weather, we'll all stick together...

Kurt's now leaning on Blaine as the crowd seems to hold the note forever. Losing his balance, he nearly falls down, but much to his luck, Blaine catches him, leaning on Wes for support. He feels a rush of relief flash through his body, and Blaine nearly is dying from sudden laughter.

Great, make a fool of yourself in front of over nighty-thousand people. So attractive.

....for F-L-O-R-I-D-A!

The crowd of Florida fans start to cheer loudly, and soon, they all sit back down. As Kurt sits back down, he sees his father glare at him sternly. In response, he blushes and bites his lip, but just before he is about to apologize to his embarrassed father, Blaine's patting his knee and smiling.

"I see you enjoy singing," he says, previous conversation totally ignored.

"I see your Florida kind have some weird traditions."

Blaine snorts. "That thing was made long ago. It's kind of like....well....a seventh inning stretch, but for football."


"So anyway," Blaine continues, snatching a bit of Wes' pretzel, "I'm sorry. Can ya' forgive me?"

Kurt nods. "I thought I did, but....yeah."

"Want some of this pretzel?"

"If you try to feed it to me, I'll cut you."

Blaine laughs and hands him a piece of the pretzel, which Kurt takes gratefully. Biting into his first piece of food that wasn't fried chicken and boiled peanuts, he actually lets out a moan of enjoyment.


Hesitantly so, Kurt as subtle as he can looks over at Blaine's face and, oh, he's staring.

Oh damn.

"I...uh....I like this pretzel. A lot."

Mentally, Kurt slaps himself. That sounded so sexy, genius.

"I can see," Blaine replies, his voice hoarse.

"'m gonna' head to the bathroom. Um, see ya' in a sec?"

Blaine nods and then scrunches his legs towards him, his eyes never once leaving Kurt. As soon as Kurt's past Wes, he hears Finn call after him. Turning around, Kurt folds his arms and glares.

"Yes Finn?"

"Dad wants to know where you're going," he shouts as the crowd cheers.

"Bathroom," Kurt replies, heading to the stairs. "I'll be back in a few, 'kay?"

As soon as he sees Finn nod in understanding, Kurt is off, running to the men's bathroom faster than anything. He gets in and, for a moment, couldn't be more appalled by the state it was in. Basically, he thinks it looks like aftermath from a Tsunami and tornado combined, but nevertheless, he still stays inside it. Walking over to the sink, he slowly turns the cold faucet on the sink and splashes his face with the cold water.

How in the world can it be real that he found a guy who he's attracted to and who's also gay in a stinking football stadium? How can it be that he was that lucky? He wasn't even looking for a guy, no matter what he says to Mercedes.  So why did he get this adorable dork guy who kept overstepping in the cutest of ways as a neighboring football attendee?

Why was there such amazing timing there?

"Hey," a voice says, making Kurt freeze, "you okay?"

He flips around quickly, shock overwhelming him, and then stares into the eyes of said cutie like a deer in headlights. "Blaine....why...what are you doing here?"

"I didn't mean to startle you," he whispers, looking around to make sure no one was nearby. "Your brother actually asked me to check on you, weird as it is."

"Have I been here that long?"

Blaine smiles. "Long enough for him to notice."

"Dang, that is long."

Shifting his weight, Blaine leans up against the wall and breathes deeply through his nose. He then looks into Kurt's eyes, making Kurt's heart flutter once more.

"Can I say something?"

"Go ahead."

"You're really....really beautiful, Kurt."

Kurt blinks rapidly, his mind reeling from even trying to process those words. ""

Blaine snorts. "Yes you. I don't see any other Kurts around here."

" barely know me."

"Not to sound creepy," he says, taking a step forward towards Kurt's nearly shaking body, "but it doesn't take long to realize how beautiful you are. I mean....I realized that after spending two thirds of a football game together chatting about Vogue and our girls, Kurt. You.....your eyes are...mesmerizing, you know that? And every time you talk.....your voice is so covered in raw beauty-"

"You've only known me for that long, yet you've noticed all that?"

Blaine nods. "It's simply plain to see. Kurt.....I know we haven't known each other for more than four hours but....I-I feel something between us. Something is telling me that mean something to me. I can't help but just...want you."

Looking into Blaine's eyes, it suddenly hits him that, no, Blaine's not crazy and no one spiked his drink. Also, he sees that, yes, he actually means all of this. He's not just being some hormonal teen looking to hook up with him to get the adrenaline of the game out of his system. He actually looks and seems genuinely sincere about that.

It scares Kurt more than anything at the moment.

Well, almost anything.

Number one on his list would be how Blaine is coming closer to him and their faces are only inches apart now and-


This has turned out differently than planned.

He can't breathe as Blaine's incredibly warm hand cups his face and brings him closer ever so hesitantly, his eyes searching for any signs he was going to pull away. Kurt just stays, though, in the stillness of the moment, highly forgetting they were in a football stadium restroom, a simply disgusting place for any first between a guy of Blaine's status. Finally doing it, Blaine makes the final move forward, and their lips meet. Blaine lips are softer than expected and are actually warm, another surprise due to the cold. As the kiss goes on, Kurt can feel Blaine's hand cup his face slightly tighter and can feel him go just slightly closer. It makes the kiss feel electrified. Just as fast as it's finished, though, the kiss ends with the two just barely panting in the vacant bathroom. They stare at each other for the longest time, just trying to comprehend what just happened, and Kurt's almost thankful for that.

He hasn't hand a single normal thought for over a minute.

"Whoa," Kurt whispers out suddenly, and Blaine just starts laughing after he hears it. Kurt blames it on him trying to break the nervousness, but he doesn't really care much. Blaine laughing was cute.

Almost as cute as his post-kiss glow that his face was giving off.

Yup, that was cutest.

"Umm....I really don't know what to say," he admits honestly. Blaine nods and bites his lip.

"I've, uh, wanted to do that since I first saw you, by the way."

"So for about, what, two hours?"

Blaine giggles and looks down at his feet in embarrassment. "Yeah, two. Look, Kurt.........I really like you."

"I think the kiss said that for you," Kurt cuts in, making Blaine actually blush.

"But......we live pretty far away from each other and....and I'm not sure we can go on if we are-"

"Hey," Kurt says, pulling Blaine close again, "you just kissed me and told me how much you want me. Now, do we really have to push all of that aside just because of a little distance?"

"It takes a little more than a long time for me to drive up here, Kurt. I don't think-"

"There's such thing as Skype, Blaine," Kurt replies with a smile. "Plus, may I add, there's plenty of other games we can see each other at."

Blaine sighs and shakes his head. "No, actually. Unless our teams get to the National Championship this year.....our teams rarely play each other."

"What about basketball? If I remember correctly, Finn told me once that your team plays our team a lot."

"He wasn't lying," Blaine agrees, "but I can't just drive up here every time we play. I mean, I'm lucky my family let me go here in the first place. Wes, too!"

"How about this," Kurt says, grabbing Blaine's jacket in his hands. "Whenever we have a chance, we'll meet up. If we need to see each other but can't physically go, we'll Skype. If we need to hear each other, we'll call. Deal?"

He has his doubts, he truly does, but as soon as he really looks into Kurt's eyes and sees how much he wants this to work, he gives in. He goes with what his heart wants.

"Deal.'s go watch the rest of the game, 'kay?"



"That call was bogus, man," Kurt hears Finn say to Burt as they walk out of the large stadium. "It's like they wanted the Gators to win."

"Refs suck," Burt says in agreement. "They know they were holding and they didn't even point it out once."

Kurt groans and stops the two, rolling his eyes at them in disappointment. "All you've done is moan and groan about the game ever since the Gators hit that last goal or whatever you call it."


"Thank you, Finn. Anyway, I actually had a good time. I think you two need to calm down and actually understand that we just had a good...bonding experience, right?"

"You're just trying to hide the fact that you and that guy were smitten kittens the whole time from Dad," Finn says, already wincing in fear of Kurt slapping him. Instead of slapping him, though, Kurt just sends a glare his way and smiles at the little piece of paper in his hands with the name and number of his new friend on it. Folding it up and putting it delicately into his pocket, Kurt sighs blissfully and walks with his family back to their car in silence.

He's starting to think that football wasn't exactly the worst sport in the world.


The end...maybe...;)

they kissed,, i cannot even, everything is klaine, cuteness overload, trolling trolling trolling, love, now i'm feelin so fly like a dcriss, klaine! oh my gosh, dah nah nah nah nah, blaine mc. clueless, rachel in the sky with gold stars, drabble, kurt the kutie, klaine, i am way too bored today

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