Long way from Conway (49 part 2/?)

Apr 17, 2011 14:22

Thanks to groffiction for this awesome banner :)

A/N: HAPPY CHAPTER! Felt too tired to write something bad :P As you can see, I changed my format to...Glee, but don't worry. I'm still pretty much Kradam ;) So, enjoy, and....love it!

"Um....are you all the family of Adam Lambert and Kris Allen?"

It was the words everyone in the small waiting room wanted to hear. They didn't care if the news was to be sad or happy, they wanted to know the status of the baby and everything.

The nurse smiles. "Will you all follow me, please?"

Leila jumps out of her seat and pushes past the others to get to the nurse. "Is everyone okay?"

The nurse just smiles and motions for Leila to follow.

Signs pointed to good.


"She has the softest blond hair I've ever felt, Kris."

Kris smiles as he places a kiss on Adam's neck. Jessie was sound asleep in Adam's arms at the moment, and she seemed impossible to awake.

She looked beautiful.

"We have absolutely no place for her to stay, Adam," Kris whispers as he runs his fingers across the top of Jessie's head. "What house is she even staying in?"

"She could stay in mine, I guess. I mean, we have a spare room in my house for later on. And my room's pretty big compared to yours if she had to stay in it for a while. Heck, you stay at my house more than your own most of the time, Kris."

Kris shrugs. "I'm just wondering about how my Momma would deal with that. She'll probably die if she doesn't get to spend time with her."

"And you think my Mom wouldn't? Kris, this is the lady that took a picture of every time I crawled for a whole month. I'm pretty sure she'd come to your house at night and kidnap her."

"Fine," Kris agrees, "but we still don't have any supplies for Jessie."

"Knowing our parents and friends," Adam replies with a bright grin, "I think this kid will go from poor to spoiled in a matter of hours. Besides Kris, you yourself told me just a few minutes ago that she's not gonna' come home for about four more days. There's plenty of time to go shopping. Especially since I get to leave this place in two days to be a free daddy. Think about it, Kris.......I could do so much damage at a Babies R Us."

Kris laughs and leans on Adam's shoulder happily and sighs. "I can't believe she's already here."

"I can't believe she looks so much like you and so little like.....well, you know..."

"I understand completely, sweetie," Kris says to finish for Adam. "Other than her eyes, which I think look prettier than Crystal's, her hair is all that she really got from her mom as far as we can tell, and I actually really like it. It's shiny."

"I looks like a butterscotch candy. Only wavy and not sticky."

"I'm so glad this baby didn't have the chance to obtain your logic."

"I feel so flattered, Kris."

"Yeah well-"

"Adam and Kris?"

Instantly, the two boys look up from their little girl and their mini fight to see Leila, Eber, Kim, and Neil standing behind her. Behind them were some other familiar faces, but none of them were standing. Most of them were sitting down anxiously outside, awaiting their turn to go inside.

Right now, though, their parents were standing there in first place, and they looked curious.

"I'll leave you guys alone," the nurses says as she heads out the door, "but do remember you have a little line of visitors!"

Soon, the families are alone, and silence fills the room. Leila is the first to look down at the bundle in Adam's arms. A tear falls down her face as she sees her son meet eyes with her.

"Wanna' hold her Mom?"

Leila gulps in attempt to hold back her sobs that she just knew were to come sooner or later and walks up to Adam's side. In one swift movement, she has little Jessie cradled perfectly in her arms.

That's when Jessie wakes up.

Her little turquoise eyes flutter open to look at Leila, and when they do, they never leave her face. She looks....attached, in some way.

She looks like she can tell it's her grandmother.

"Hey baby girl," Leila chokes out through her tears, "it's Grandma Leila here. I....I can't believe how beautiful you look, sweetheart."

"She's pretty, huh Mom?"

"I can't believe it, but she looks like she has your eyes, Adam."

"Crystal has blue eyes," Kris speaks up, "but they aren't nearly as pretty as her's are, I tell you."

"Eber," Leila calls, "come meet our little granddaughter."

Eber awkwardly walks forward and looks in Leila's arms to see Jessie. Jessie's little eyes immediately fly to his figure, and she lets out a little grunt. Eber laughs.

"She sure is a sweetheart. I'm so going to be the grandfather that does whatever she asks of me to do, considering those eyes are making me melt just by looking at them right now."

Adam snorts. "Thanks for making Kris and I's life more complicated."

"Sure thing kid," Eber replies,ignoring him, "whatever you say."

A few minutes later, Leila hands Jessie back to Adam, almost breaking down crying right there. Kim and Neil then both step forward to hold Jessie. Adam hands her to Kim, and Kim can't help but start crying as she looks down at the small newborn in her arms.

"She looks s-so much like K-Kristopher," she babbles, looking at the little girl in shock. "She has his face and everything.....oh my gosh."

"Look at her hair," Neil gushes. "It looks like Kris's only a bit blonder. It's like it was when he was four."

"I remember that," Kim agrees. "It got dark the summer he turned six."

"I hope her's stays this color forever," Kris says from the bed. "It's a favorite color of mine."

"It reminds me of honey," Adam says in agreement. "Honey is sweet. Just like her."

"So, what's her name," Neil asks, "if you have one, that is, because I know it's hard and.......what is it?"

Kris laughs. "Jessica Marie."

"That's a beautiful name, boys," Kim says in approval.

Another few minutes passes, and then, the parents decide to go, giving Jessie back to the boys, and let the next few people come in. Daniel and Neil walk in after them and gasp as they see the sight in front of them.

"Dude," Neil says, "that's you're baby?"

Adam snorts and replies with a simple nod. "Your niece, also."

"That's creepy," Neil says. "I'm too young to be an uncle."

"I'm probably too young to be a father, but you don't see me grossing out."

"Can I hold her, Kris?"

Kris smiles at his brother and nods, motioning for Adam to hand Jessie to him. Adam gently hand Jessie over, helping Daniel position her head a bit. Finally, when Daniel got Jessie settled, he looked down at her and really got to take in her looks.

"Her face looks just like yours, Kris," Daniel says with a content sigh. "It's almost like a mirrored image of it. I remember when you were little.....you had that same looking face, man."

"Mom said about the same thing," Kris replies with a warm smile. "I can't believe it."

"Same here."

"Hey, I want to see her, too," Neil whines, reaching out for Jessie. "She is my niece, by the way."

"Stop right there," Adam warns, causing his little brother to stop. "You are not holding her unless I am near you."

"I won't drop the kid."

"Oh yes you will," Adam replies as Daniel hands Jessie back over to him. "You nearly dropped your friend's baby sister that one time."

Neil rolls his eyes. "That was five years ago. I've got muscles now, bro!"

"I know your muscles. They ain't strong."

"Oh really? I'd disagree, considering our last fight was won by me."

"Only because you threatened to pour syrup into my hair," Adam fires back. "Had you not have done that, you would've died."

"I still disagree."


"Adam," Kris quickly says, "let Neil hold Jessie so that we can get some semi-normal people in here who won't drop our newborn?"

Adam reluctantly nods and hands Jessie over to Neil with all the care he can muster from his spot on the bed. Neil looks down at his niece and cocks his head to the side.

"She looks.....kinda pretty," he says as Jessie scans over his face. "For a girl, she's pretty cute."

"Oh gosh," Adam groans, "my little brother has a crush on my daughter."

"It is not a crush!"

"Then why did you say-"

"I was just giving your...daughter a compliment," Neil says in annoyance. "Gosh, someone's over-protective."

"Okay Neil, Dan," Kris says, "how's about we let some other people see Jessie now? You all can see her later, you know."

Daniel nods and carefully helps Neil give Jessie back to Adam before walking out of the small room quietly. As soon as they leave, Tommy walks in, alone, biting his lip nervously. Adam smiles warmly back at him, though, and Kris follows suit.

"Come on and see her," Adam says happily. "I'm sure she'll love you, Tommy."

"She won't," he replies in a whisper from his spot in front of the door.

"That's ridiculous, Tommy," Kris says. "It's not like she has any grudges on you. She just was born like....an hour ago."

"I have to tell you guys something. It....it's a big thing." Tommy grabs a chair and scoots it next to Kris, farthest away from Jessie, and then begins. "When I was twelve.....I was put in charge of my little newborn cousin for about ten minutes. I did good for the first few minutes. And then.....I....."

"What happened?"

Tommy looks down and away from Adam, his face looking grim.

"I dropped her. It...it was an accident! I....I didn't mean for her to fall. She just was in my arms one moment and then before I could do anything, she was on the ground crying."

Kris blinks in shock. "Was she okay?"

"No," Tommy says, a tear falling down his face. "She....she got slight brain damage. She...she can't exactly t-talk like most people. She can only make some sounds. Even though.....even though she looks so beautiful....she can't speak a word....and it's all because.....of me."

"Oh Tommy," Adam starts, but Tommy just holds up his hand in reply, stopping him.

"I...I can't hold her, guys," Tommy says through his tears. "I want to, but......you guys deserve her to be perfect, and even though I thought I got rid of this fear with Allie a few nights ago....I just can't let there be a possibility....I don't want to make you lives so much more difficult than they're already going to be. I don't want to be the one that ruins something so...deserving to be perfect, like she is. I'm....I'm sorry guys."

"Tommy," Adam says calmly, "I want you to hold her."

" Oh but Adam, what if-"

"Jessie won't be hurt," Adam replies, "as long as you try. I know you're scared, but....I don't want you to feel like you can't hold my little girl. You can stand near me, you can keep her close to the bed, you can do whatever you want to make you comfortable with this, but at least, give it a try."

His eyes nervously glancing at the small bundle, Tommy slowly wraps his arms around her and gently, ever so gently, cradles her into his arms. His hands are shaking, his mind is racing, and his eyes are full of tears, but as he looks at Jessie's loving face, he feels himself calm down. He feels....confident again, in the weirdest way.

He doesn't feel like it would be possible to drop her.

"I can't believe how.....beautiful she is."

"Everyone says that," Kris says with a relieved laugh. "Even little Neil said it."

"He called her cute," Adam says suddenly with a frown. "It was weird."

Tommy grins brightly and then, carefully, hands Jessie back. He leaves quietly, but his face tells all the words possible.

Thank you.

After Tommy comes Allison, Casey, Jamie, and Gabby, their faces drawn up in little eager grins. It takes all but one minute for them to just start gushing about how cute the three of them looked on the bed and how oddly hot it looked to have the two boys with their daughter. Allison nearly tried to come at her with a small tube of red hair dye, but luckily, Casey hit her arm and scolded her about how that was 'bad for a baby of her age'.

She settled with waiting until she was one.

A few Jessie-passing minutes flied by, and soon, the girls all left the room. Ben and James came in next, their eyes transfixed on the little bundle in Adam's arms. Kris smiles.

"Wanna' come see your new God-daughter, boys?"

"Daugh...God....no way," James says, covering his mouth in shock. Ben's eyes go wide and then, quickly, he hugs James tightly, a weak laugh coming from him. Soon, James breaks the hug and rushes over to Adam's side.

"Can I hold her?"

"Of course," Adam replies, and within seconds, Jessie's in his arms. James looks over at Ben and sees tears in his dark eyes, watching Jessie with more love than either Adam or Kris have ever seen in his eyes.

They kind of looked great with a kid.

"James," Ben says, his eyes sparkling, "you look so....perfect. I...I never thought you and a kid would look....so good together..."

"Face it, you think i look sexy," James teases.

"I think you look beautiful."

"My poor daughter," Adam whispers to Kris. "Not even two hours old and already she's been surrounded by more weirdos than a normal child should come in contact with in a lifetime."

Kris laughs. "They're just...experiencing being a Godparent for the first time. Plus, I don't think they've seen each other with children before. It's kind of different to see."

"I see."

"Hey little girl," Ben coos, earning a giggle from James and wide-eyed stare from Jessie. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart."

"Ben and I are gonna' really spoil you to death," James says, nuzzling Jessie close. "You'll love us."

"We love you. So so so much."

"...but we have to go, sadly," James says, looking at the small baby sadly, "because there's two more people you need to see. I'll miss you, gorgeous."

"I'll miss you also, little girl," Ben says, kissing her forehead. Reluctantly, James hands over to Adam and then walks out of the room hand-in-hand with Ben. As soon as they leave, Cassidy's face comes through the crack of the door. He looks at Adam and then, with his eyes, motions over to Kris. Adam just nods, and with that, Cassidy brings in after him a very antsy Brad. Kris's eyes narrow, but he doesn't say a word as they shuffle into the room.

"Hello Brad," Adam says, trying his best to smile at him and make him feel less awkward, "wanna' come see Jessie?"

"Adam," Kris snaps, "no."

"It's about damn time you stop this nonsense, Kris," Adam snaps back. "Nothing happened to Jessie. She's safe. Now make up with Brad. He's one of her guardians, anyway."

"I'm what? A...guardian?"

Adam nods. "You and Cass are her legal guardians."

"No freakin way," Brad says in shock. "Even after all I did?"

"You did nothing, Brad," Adam says sternly, "which is why we agreed to make you a guardian. Kristopher over here is just being a little skittish. Now, you two, I am not letting anyone hold Jessie until you two make up. Understand me?"

Brad nods quickly, and Kris just glares, but he does get up and walk up to Brad. Brad stares at him through his dark brown eyes and folds his arms, waiting.

"I'm sorry, Brad," Kris says with a sigh. "I was an idiot. I got all worried and became one of those worried fathers that nearly has a heart attack about their child. I love you, Cheeks, and I just don't want us to become enemies. You come with Adam as a package, I get it, and to be honest, I've never really adored you like he has, but I've grown to like you and.....I hate being mean to you. It makes me feel like I kicked a puppy, you know?"

"I kind of have that effect on people," Brad says, smirking.

"Anyway, I'm sorry for how I acted....I know you were only trying to get revenge, and I get that. Let's....let's be friends again, okay? Start a new chapter because of Jessie. Okay?"

Smiling wide, Brad looks down at Kris's outstretched hand and just hugs Kris, earning an 'ummmph' in reply from Kris. Adam and Cassidy look on happily as Cass holds Jessie for him.

"Now," Brad says, turning around to face Cass, "I want to hold that baby. Now. Give me."

"Oh no," Kris says, "I call her first."

"Not fair," Brad yells, running up to Cass, "you've gotten to hold her!"

"She's my daughter!"


As the two fight, Cassidy looks to Adam, winks, and says the words that would be forever true.

"We've created monsters."


To be continued..........

they kissed, tommy joe ratliff, banner, daniel allen, brad bell, groffiction, cuteness overload, i don't even know, trolling trolling trolling, kradam, love, long way from conway, adam lambert, kim allen, kris allen, hugs, family, i am way too bored today, cassidy, allison iraheta, neil lambert, jessie marie

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