Dinner and Chocolate (James & Ben drabble 4 unpublicguy :D)

Apr 07, 2011 00:26

A/N: Written purely for

"What's with all of...this?"

Ben laughs as his husband James eyes him curiously from their front door. He'd just gotten back from a trip to the mailbox, but already, Ben had made what looked to be a perfect romantic dinner, candles and all. Taking his hand, Ben quickly leads James over to their round wooden dinning table-of which has been covered in a nice silk covering-and gracefully places him into his seat. James laughs as Ben sits in front of him, smiling.

"You're spoiling me. Why?"

"Can't a boy just....pamper his love?"

James smirks. "You're good."

"I should know. Wine?"

Picking up his glass in his hand, James watches thirstily as Ben pours the delicious looking wine into the cup. He quickly tastes it and lets out a content sigh in response.

"This tastes wonderful," he says blissfully. "It's like....heaven in a glass."

"If you think the wine is good," Ben whispers after taking a sip from his glass, "you won't believe the food I've prepared."

James laughs to himself when he sees the stove on, filled to capacity. "I just went to the mailbox. How.......I don't even want to know."

"Time is but a myth, so they say," Ben hums, taking a sip from his wine. "I did it all in the blink of an eye, I guess."

"Shut up."

"I don't think you should be saying that to the guy cooking you dinner," Ben coos as he gets up out of his seat and heads off to the kitchen, "it could result in a few police reports and a couple stories on the news."

James snorts. "Like you'd kill me through food."

"You never know me.....Ben the ninja..."


"I may be a dork," Ben says loudly as something on the stove simmers, "but I'm also the dork who's name you screamed last night, remember?"

James shivers. "I remember. H-how could I not?"

"Glad to see I was on last night," Ben says to himself while the stove roars. James, though, seems to hear part of it, because he quickly turns around and asks.

"Huh sweetie?"

"Nothing, nothing. Go back to sipping that wine."

"If I didn't know you better," James ponders, pouring a bit more wine into his glass, "I'd suppose you were trying to seduce me."

"If I didn't know you better," Ben says as he turns off the stove, "I'd think you didn't know that that is my plan."

James smiles and then leans back in his chair with a deep sigh. He can already smell the food cooking and, man, is it making him already swoon.

"That smells sexy, Ben," James says as Ben comes around the kitchen counter with their plates, "and it looks sexy, too."

"Only the best for you, my love. Now eat up quick. I've got some stuff planned for later."

"Dear Lord."

Ben laughs as James' face becomes flushed. "You'll enjoy it, James. No need for the loss of color in those beautiful cheeks of yours over something so harmless as a night of making love."

James stares at Ben dumbfounded. "H-how can you not be at all affected by your words? I'm near dying over here and then....well, look at you. Not even a simple show of hitch in breath!"
"Funny, huh?"

"No, seriously," James says, poking his meal absentmindedly with his fork, "how are you doing it?"

Ben smirks. "Months of planning."

"Planning? You planned all of this?"

"Well I'm not about to just go into a time like this unprepared, now am I?"

"You know-"

Suddenly, Ben hops up from his chair and kisses James square on the lips, knocking the breath out of him. James moans quietly into his mouth as the kiss goes on, the two of them not even caring to pull apart for air. Ben finally breaks the kiss for a gasp of air, and in that moment, James decides to question his previous actions.

"So...why exactly did you just kiss me?"

"Because," Ben whispers inches from his face, "you looked so damn kissable right then. I couldn't help myself, James."

James smirks. "So....you get all jumpy and instinct-driven when you're turned on, yet I get all flushed and drawn back? That's sexy."

"It is," Ben mumbles as he places a kiss to James' neck, "considering how hot you get when you do it."

"Why....why are you so turned on tonight?"

"Because.....I don't know," he finally spits out, giving up, "I just am, okay? Now can we get back to the sweet guy kisses? I was kinda enjoying that, if you haven't noticed already."

James giggles and gives Ben a full once over before yanking him onto his lap forcefully. "Oh, I have. If you want, we can skip dinner and go....take care of it...."

"Oh no," Ben huskily cuts off, "not yet. We still have to freshen up before anything like that happens."

"Oh yeah? Where exactly?"

Ben smirks and takes James' hand, tugging him towards their room. "Follow me."

They walk straight into their room, and for a moment, James thinks they are going to the bed, but then, he is tugged towards the bathroom, and before he knows it, his clothes are being stripped from him. James stares in shock at the tub before him, numb to the stripping of his outfit.

"Is that....chocolate?"

Ben smirks and then kisses James deep. They start to moan slightly after a minute, and James is only seconds from slipping him tongue before he feels himself being guided forwards to the tub by Ben, kiss still in tact. He lets out a large huff of air as they both fall into the stick substance, his body in shock as much as his brain is about being in a tub full of melted candy. Ben groans as he feels himself get pinned against the side of the tub.

"Oh James," he gasps in pleasure as James kisses his neck, "please don't stop."

"We'll have to stop at some time," he replies, reluctantly stopping his kissing momentarily. "The thought of swimming in chocolate and cum just doesn't...feel right."

"I think it's sexy," Ben chokes out as James moves to his chest area. "I'd love to swim in a pool of just...you."

James giggles. "That sounded so perverted."

"Sounded sexy to me."

"Coming from the guy who's getting ravished in chocolate and is turning into a babbling mess," James replies, licking a stripe down Ben's chest, enjoying the chocolate taste on his lips.

Skin and chocolate was beginning to taste so damn good to him.

Hearing Ben moan deep in his throat, James shifts in the large bathtub full of chocolate and tenderly wraps his hand around Ben's erection. Ben lets out a huge groan in reply.

"Oh dear gosh, James," he growls in response, "that.....that feels good."

"Oh really? What about...this?"

Ben yelps in pleasure as James' hand slides down quickly down his cock, a smirk on his face.

"You bastard," Ben mumbles helplessly as James does it again, "you kinky, beautiful bastard."

James giggles and leans in to kiss Ben hard.

"Well aren't you talking rough. You should be punished, you know?"

"Yes," Ben growls, running his hand through James' hair, "please punish me."

"Nah," James teases, taking his hands away from Ben completely, "I don't think that if I continue with this that you'd be punished.......I should just leave you like this."

"James," Ben pleads, tears threatening to escape his eyes, "just....just touch me."

James smirks and then, before Ben can stop him, gets out of the shallow tub. Behind him, Ben groans.

"Don't leave," he cries. "I...I need you so freakin much."

"I'm not going anywhere," he whispers, trailing a finger in the pool of chocolate, "but you are going to be punished."


"You are going to watch me as I try to lick this off me."

"Oh damn."


"No plus."

James chuckles and leans across the tub to place a chaste kiss on Ben's forehead, leaving the taller boy whimpering in response.

"You brought this on yourself, babe," he says apologetically in reply, "sorry."

"Here, I make you dinner....give you a romantic bath....and yet....where's my reward?"

"You lost all reward for a while thanks to your little meany talk, Benny."

"I deserve to punish you also for calling me Benny, James," Ben growls, running his hand through his hair. "It'd only be fair."

"Then," James coos before licking his wrist thoughtfully, "you'll get to. Later. When I've finished punishing you. Got it?"

"Got it," Ben moans in response, "now can we get this over with?"

"Not helping your case, sweetheart."

"Well sorry, I'm kind of, well, ready, if you know what I mean."

Nodding, James licks his finger, skeptically eying Ben for the reaction. Sure enough, like he'd hoped, it's nothing short of pure pained lust that he sees from his husband. Next, to test just how much his boy could take, he traces his finger up his chest, slowly to really pain Ben, and then licks it, too. He hears Ben groan, and when he looks at him, he finds him palming his erection in the pure chocolate blissfully.

That was not cool, as hot as it was, in James' mind.

"Hey," he quickly snaps, causing Ben to suddenly freeze and gaze into his eyes, "you have to stop that, unless you want me to do worse than I'm planning on you."

"But......have you ever seen how hot you are, James? Chocolate is just too much for me, love."

"That's why they call it punishment, sweetie," James cheekily replies, tracing his finger once more down to his chest. "It's not supposed to let you get closer. It's supposed to drive you insane."

"Well," he replies as James licks his arm while biting his lip, "it's certainly doing that, that's for sure."

Just then, Ben gasps sharply as he sees James  reach down and get some chocolate from near his groin area. His eyes are seconds from exploding, he's sure, and his cock only strains more in reply, thus making the situation for him worse. James notices this, only smiling in response, the sly dog he is. Ben's eyes nearly roll back in his head when he watches James lick his finger again, balling his fists tightly to stop himself from giving in and taking care of himself. Sucking in a deep breath, he sighs and quivers slightly as his eyes reach James' body.

He's forced to advert his eyes, much to his displeasure, to cool off even the slightest.

"What's this with the all not watching stuff, Ben?"

Ben shakes his head and sinks deep into the chocolate, his chin barely peering above the smooth substance surrounding him. "If I even look," he gasps through mangled breaths, "I.....I'll be done with, James. P-please, James.....just.....stop this. I...I'm punished enough."

James smirks and then, in a blink of an eye, he is in the tub, stroking Ben rough and mercilessly while kissing his lips with more force than he, in his mind, ever had before. Ben gasps roughly and then, after a second, comes harder than he had before, his head falling back in pleasure. James smirks as he watches his husband come unraveled beneath him. Because of him.

Because of his sexiness.

"Jaaaames," Ben moans as he comes to, "James, I....you....gosh."

"Shhhh baby," James replies, kissing Ben slowly after, "just relax. We have to take a shower in a minute, anyway."

"Buh...I don't want that."

"Well, my own, er, problem needs attention too, you know, and the faster we clean up and get all this sticky, yet delish if I don't say so myself, chocolate off, the faster you get to have your revenge and help me.."

"You had me at revenge, James."

"I have a bad feeling about this."


He can barely remember how to breathe right now.

James is now slammed up against the headboard, his hands cuffed to the bed posts attached to them, and is getting the equivalent of a lap dance from Ben, his body teasing him as he hums to himself some random tune.

Ben suddenly drops down on James and grinds against him, retrieving a huge gasp from James' lungs. It spurs him on, because he once again stands up and smirks wickedly, his hips swiveling in a way that takes James' breath away.

"Ben," James whimpers, his wrists roughly yanking on the cuffs, "please....do something, anything....I beg you."

"I want to fuck you so, so bad, James," Ben purrs in reply, "I swear."

"Then...what are you...waiting for?"

Ben smiles and then kneels down to kiss James. While kissing, he reaches into their side table for a condom and some lube.

Luckily, last nights escapades hadn't completely wiped out their supply.

Tearing it open with his teeth, Ben takes out the condom quickly and moans as he puts it on, already getting hard again. He then gazes at James and grins warmly his way, making the raven haired boy swoon.

"You look gorgeous."

"I'm all for complements, especially if you say them as hot as that, but frankly, I am seconds from dying here. I suggest you cut the chat and ohhhh-"

Silencing him completely, Ben slips in a lubed up finger into James, watching in amusement as he settles into the feeling.

"Feel good?"

"Hell yeah," James says with a long, drawn out moan, "big time. M-move, please."

"Why of course, my sweet prince," Ben replies, and with that, he moves his finger around, stretching James as much as he can with just that one digit. He then presses in a second finger, moving it with the second in a scissoring motion. James is now panting heavily, his chest heaving slightly up and down as his breaths escape him. Ben leans in and kisses James, sneaking in while doing this a third digit. James gasps for a moment, but it's soon followed by a long moan that Ben just falls in love with as he drags out the kiss. Ben can already see James begin to lose it. Not wasting any time, he quickly lubes himself up and gently enters him.

"Oh my gosh, Ben," he groans at a high pitch, "you're so......gah."

"You like that, don't you? You like how I fill you, huh?"

James glares. "What did I say about the talkie?"

"Only you would think of that while making love."

"Eh hem."


Hesitating, Ben slowly begins to pull out and go back in, carefully pleasuring James as his body adjusts. Suddenly, though, he feels James try to move him on his own.

That wasn't going to happen, tonight.

"Roll over," Ben commands, pulling out all the way. Reluctantly, James nods and turns over, spreading his legs out wide on the bed. Licking his lips, Ben once again enters James, this time picking up the pace with every thrust. James is moaning his name quietly as every thrust rocks his body, and out all the times in the world, he seriously is thinking about Justin Timberlake's song.


"OH MY GOSH," James yelps, his body quivering in response to Ben. Ben just smirks and pets James' hair.

"Like that? I knew that spot would send you reeling."

"Amen to THAT," James growls in response, his hair now getting totally messed up. He starts to pant louder now that Ben goes faster and is hitting his spot, and it's making him a complete mess. He's saying Ben's name more forcefully, and it's causing Ben to pant louder too because of it.

A minute or two later, Ben can see James begin to convulse under him and braces himself for his own climax to overwhelm him. He groans super loud and then lets out a long whine, coming hard over the sheets beneath him. Ben, after seeing James, comes too, his eyes rolling back in his head. It's mind blowing, and man, is it hot.

No, it's sexy as heck.

Spent, Ben pulls out and throws the condom to the trash, not caring where it landed, and leans down to kiss James, watching him recover just inches from him. James sighs and hugs Ben tightly to him, almost cuddling with him. It's crazy, it's passionate.....it's love.

"James," Ben whispers quietly in his love's ears, "sweetie?"

"Yeah," he replies in a husky tone of voice, "what is up, my sexy as heck man of mine?"

"Uh....um.....we should probably go take a shower before we meet Adam and Kris in thirty minutes."

James laughs and throws his pillow at Ben, making him yelp in response. "Mood killer!"

"What? I'm just saying!"

"You are such a dork."

"Oh yeah? Know what, though?"


"You're my dork. I love you, James."

"Love you too, Ben..who's real name is Duncan..hehe......forever."


The end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they kissed, long way from conway, love, now i'm feelin so fly like a dcriss, craziness, adam lambert, forgive me gaga, kris allen, hot hot hot hot, i am way too bored today, cuteness overload, i don't even know, trolling trolling trolling, birthday

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