Long way from Conway (47/?)

Mar 20, 2011 12:15

Thanks to groffiction for this amazing banner <3333

A/N: Kind of a filler chapter full of foreshadowing here ;) I blame Klaine for kind of killing my Kradam muse this week because of their kiss (Okay, I blame Blaine for doing it, but whatever lol), but nevertheless, I POSTED! lol. Hope you guys enjoy. Oh, and, the story kind of switches point of view from Kris to Adam here, so, to make things easier, I put a little marker at the top of where it starts to point it out. Eh, you'll see ;) OH, and thanks to the amazing Anyway, ENJOY!

"How's Jessie today?"

I smile brightly and gently push back Adam's hair from his eyes. It's day 3 in the hospital, and tomorrow, the school's annual summer get together is happening. We're all going to go shopping in the mall and then go to the club I remember Cheeks talking about to Adam all that time ago. I haven't told Adam yet about it, but then again, it seems better not to. He really loves those two places.

"Jessie's doing good," I assure him, "and Crystal is being held at a maximum security jail downtown until her trial next Monday."

His deep blue eyes stare back at me and seem to gleam. Jessie was the one thing for the past few days that Adam just couldn't help but talk about. Ever since the shooting, it's been all about Jessie and nothing about what actually happened. He even ignored me when I spoke of the shooting unless it involved Jessie.

"Will they still give us pictures of the baby or can we visit like before?"

"I don't know," I honestly say because, well, I have no clue what-so-ever, "but we can check. First, though, we should probably stop by the police station and thank A.J. and David for their work. They did make things not be as bad as they could've been."

"I wonder how much a single picture scan of the baby would cost..."

I groan and, gently, take his face into my hands so that he is forced to look into my eyes. His face softens immensely.

"Adam, listen to me baby. I know you don't want to remember what happened at all but, like it or not, you're going to have to sometime. Crystal's a part of our life and we need to deal with her until the baby is born."

Adam frowns and fights my grasp on his face as his eyes fill with tears. He wants to not cry in front of me. He doesn't want to see me see him hurt. He doesn't want me to see he was scared of Crystal.

And I just opened that wound right up and poured salt in it.

Caressing his cheek, I slowly tip his head up to regain eye contact and kiss him apologetically. I can't help but wonder if Adam always felt this way when I was hurt. When I was scared.

He goes through so much.

For me.

"I'm sorry love," I whisper as I break the kiss, "I had no right to say that. I..I understand it's too soon and-"

"You were right."

I gasp. "Wha-what?"

"I've got to face my fears," he replies through his tears. "Crystal is Jessie's mom. I have to confront her sooner or later about custody and about what she did in front of the judge."

"Whoa whoa whoa," I say, placing a hand on his shoulder, "you are not going to the trial. It's tomorrow and you still are healing."

"They're going to need proof it happened."

"David has the gun she used and has DNA on it. He also took pictures of the scene and everything."

"Wouldn't the victim be a better form of proof?"

"Not if he's hurt."


"Well looky here," comes a voice at the door. For a moment, I don't recognize it because of my fuming thoughts of the conversation with Adam-I swear he's not going to get away with ending the conversation there. Then, I see Adam's face light up and see the glow of the bright blond hair in a monitor's reflection.


She smiles and comes to me first, placing a small kiss on my cheek. She then walks over to Adam and kisses his forehead cheerfully. My knees feel weak.

"I knew you two would be closer together. I didn't know Crystal would be the reason we'd meet again, though."

"Did you know we're going to have a baby, Katy?" Adam happily chirps out, making my blush a whole new shade of red. Katy laughs, dumbfounded, and looks to me for an answer.

All I can do is shrug.

"Crystal is gonna have my baby girl! Oh, and yeah, Kris and I are going to get married!"

Katy giggles and leans on the foot of Adam's bed. "Is that so? Why haven't I been informed? Don't you think I'd like to be an aunt?"


"You make me gasp, Lambert," Katy says back, making Adam giggle in response. How is she making him so happy like that? Why am I making him so sad? I'm his soon-to-be husband for pete sakes!

"Well, sadly, my stay here is short," she says with a fake frown. "The family and I were just passing by on our way back to Arkansas from a convention my dad had to go to for his work and I heard through the grapevine Adam was hurt so....yeah."

"You're leaving me?"

Katy laughs and pets Adam's hair. "Sadly, yes my king. But, don't you worry your pretty little head. The moment I hear that that cow is about to pop, I'll speed here as fast as I can. Now be a good boy for Kris!"

"Will do!"

"Bye Kris," Katy says as she passes me, "see you later. Take good care of that boy."

"Bye," I say as she leaves the room, and soon, it's just Adam and I left. He looks up at me and smiles.

"I missed her."

"Yeah," I choke out, "it's been a long time since we've seen her."

"I still want to go to the trial, Kris."

He just had to say that. Great.

I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed. His deep blue eyes look back at me and make me feel even more guilty. He looked like he really wanted to go. Badly. Damn Crystal.

"You can't," I finally say, my voice sounding much more weak than usual. "I'm sorry, but I'm not having you risk your health to go relive something like that. I...I can't bear to think what would happen if you got hurt because of it. If you got hurt or too stressed...I'd die knowing that I let you go while I knew you were not in perfect condition. I'm sorry."

Adam grabs my hand and suddenly, I'm inches from his face, his other warm hand on my cheek cradling my face. He grins at me and then kisses me, his warmness radiating off him. I lean into his touch.

"Kris," he says as I pull away, "if it really makes you that worried......I won't go."

"Thank goodness."


"But what?"

"But, you owe me. I get to go see our baby next check-up, okay?"

I nod silently. Yeah, I'm glad that he's not going but....I just have a feeling that he needs to be there. Like he should be there while Crystal is being sentenced. It's like he deserves to see her fall.

I can't help but think my protectiveness will be unproductive later on.

"You should go home," Adam suddenly chirps, jolting me from my thoughts. "Your mother is probably waiting for you."

"Yeah, um....yeah. I did promise her that I'd help her clean the house today."

"I love you, Kris."

"Love you, too."

Just as I am about to leave, Adam's hand catches my arm and pulls me back to him. I smirk


"Can your mother make me a get well soon cake?"

"She already did last week."


"You are crazy."

"Make it chocolate."



I never really liked Brad.

Yeah, I know, I know. Why do you hang out with him and be nice to him?

Well, let me explain.

Brad started out as my part-enemy when he dated Adam briefly. I didn't like the fact that Adam was in his arms while we were apart. Yet, my thoughts lightened up a bit when he gracefully backed down from boyfriend and turned into friend.

Ever since then, he's just been a friend to me.

A very....annoying.....and quirky......and possibly crazy....friend.

He's like an annoying relative you just can't get rid of no matter what.

I like Brad, but he just can get clingy and annoying.


Right now, I'm on my way to Leila's to help make Adam another 'get well soon' cake like promised, but as you probably can guess, Brad is with me. How did he figure out about this, you ask?

My dumb cell phone.

I texted Adam right when I left that his get well soon cake was to come before the day was over, and thanks to my lovely cell, the text was sent to Adam and Brad. And Ben, but he just dismissed it. He said something like 'I'm not even going to ask. Send love and hugs Adam's way" and then never spoke again.


So, as I drive into Adam's driveway, Brad smiles at me and hops out of my car before I can even put it in park. Rushing after him, I manage to catch Leila opening the door. She gives quick hug to Brad and then gives me a long warm hug.

I can't help but smirk at how jealous Brad is about that.

"Come right on in you two," she says, scampering off into the kitchen, "I'm just gonna' get set up so we can start. Feel free to do whatever."

"Thank you," I politely say as I sit down and grab the remote. Brad suddenly plops down next to me-rudely, may I add-and snatches the remote from my hand, giving a loud shout of 'THANK YA'!' to Leila before sprawling out on the small couch like the house was his.

How rude.

"Uh, excuse me Brad."

"You're excused."

"Brad," I groan, "why did you take the remote from me?"

"Gossip Girl is on."

"I had the remote first."

"You're point is?"

"I will burn all of your jackets if you don't give me the remote."

"I doubt you'd ever-"

"I've ripped some of Adam's before."


Smiling, I take the remote and flip to ESPN to catch the end of some of the tournament games that I totally missed by a mile. Brad groans next to me, and for some reason, I can't help but giggle at that.

I win.

"Why do you want to torture me, Kristopher?"

I shrug. "I don't see this as torture."

"Yeah, well....I don't think Gossip Girl is torture."

"But I do."

I see Brad bury his face into one of the pillows and let out a yell that I can only be happy was muffled by the poor pillow. I laugh, though. For a guy that watches NASCAR and stuff, he's really being weird about sports. Suddenly, Neil comes out from where him and Adam's rooms are and just stares at Brad. I laugh.

"Should I ask, Allen?"

"Probably not," I reply, looking at Brad practically cry into the pillow, "but you can come sit down with me and watch basketball so that he doesn't watch Gossip Girl."

"Believe me, I would do ANYTHING to not watch Gossip Girl-"

"Adam would choke on his own spit if he heard that you little twerp," Brad yells from his spot on the couch before stuffing his face back into the pillow. Neil rolls his eyes and runs a hand through his hair. Wow, he can look like his brother.

"Anyway....I would, but I've got stuff to do. I'm going out to a movie date."

"Who's his name and why hasn't Adam kept me up to date?"

I lean over and smack Brad on the head. He deserved that for more than just the fact that, well, he just called Neil gay when he wasn't, but oh well.

At least he now had a good reason for doing it.

"She's a girl and Adam doesn't need to tell you all about my love life, Bradly," Neil says, making his way to the front door. "Now, I've got to hurry. I'm thinking about telling her I like her tonight and I don't want to be late or ruin this."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa little dude," Brad says, running up from the couch to him in a matter of seconds, "don't tell her that."

"And why is that?" I ask because, really, why? Brad scoffs at me and then turns back around to look into Neil's eyes.

"You never tell a girl you like them 'cause it makes you look like an idiot."

I instantly laugh, startling Brad a bit. "ARE YOU SERIOUS? Ha! You trying to make him single for the rest of his life?"

"No, I'm trying to help the kid have some game."

"Game? What the hell is gonna' happen if he never tells her how he feels?"


"Uh, excuse me," Neil butts in, shutting us both up, "but I'd like to rely on my own game instead of two gay guys when dealing with my girl, thank you very much. Now, if you'd excuse me, I must go and have my own life."

Stomping out, Neil runs to the door and slams it shut, leaving me and Brad in the dust. I look to him and sigh deeply.

"Why are you in my life?"

Brad shrugs and goes to sit back down on the couch. "Because Adam loved me and because I have saved your cute butt many times before."

"You won't ever leave my life, will you?"

"Probably not. Not until Cass and I are old and you two's grandchildren are playing with ours on some TV show being famous."

"You sound so sure of that."

"Honey," Brad replies with a killer smirk, "I know it's gonna'."

                                        (Adam's POV)

Five thirty. That's what it says on the hospital clock on the wall in front of me.

And that's what it's said for the past three hours.

The nurses have been in about twice in the last hour to check in on me and bring me something to drink, but other than that, I've been bored as hell. It's pretty hard to not be when you have the gift of gab and are not being able to use it.

The TV shows all have something to do with infomercials or sports or, gosh, government TV, so not even that can bring me any form of excitement. I'm just left to twiddle my thumbs and lay down in this hidden hell hole.

I have a feeling jail would seem more interesting than this.

Suddenly, the door opens, and man do I wish it is Kris. Sadly, though, it's just another nurse with a glass of water and a small bowl of ice cream. I force smile as she hands it to me to assure her that she's doing a good job, and she seems to not see the forced part about it.

"Is there anything else I can get you?"

I can't help but laugh at that. No, I'm perfectly fine with having a fight with myself like a creep. Go right on ahead and leave.

"Yeah, can you get me something to do? I'm bored as you know what here."

The nurse blushes and nods, quickly leaving the room. Laughing, I snuggle more under the covers and decide to take a small rest.

Hopefully, when I wake up, I'll actually have something better to do than watch paint dry.

~~~~~~~Adam's Dream~~~~~~~~~

"Do you, Adam Mitchel Lambert, take Kris Allen to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

The room is filled with everyone they know. Allie, Ben and James, Cass and Brad, Tommy, David and A.J, and even Hailey. Leila is in the front row crying with Kim tears of joy from the moment. Eber and Neil are exchanging a happy smile near them, there eyes not hiding their true need to cry at the moment.

Then, on Eber's lap, little Jessie is sitting happily, her little golden brown curls dangling in her face and in front of her bright smile as she holds a basket half empty with flowers in her own lap. A small tear is falling down her cheek, but she's ecstatic. She's beautiful, too.

In front of Adam stands Kris, more beautiful than ever, awaiting his answer. His brown eyes are more chocolaty than ever as he stands in his perfect black tux patiently. He never looked more pretty in his life.



Suddenly, everything grows dark and frantic, and then a scream comes from the one person he never wanted to hear scream.



And then, the lights grow brighter, revealing Crystal smuggling their little girl in her cold and dastardly arms with the most evil of looks she'd ever dawned. She pulls out a gun and points it to Jessie's head as she stares directly at Adam.

"Anyone tries anything funny, the kid gets it."

Jessie's screaming her head off as Crystal begins to back away towards the back of the room, getting away. Kris's beautiful face now is in pure shock and torment as he watches his little girl get taken. He looks up at Adam and doesn't know what to say.

Adam doesn't have a clue either.

"PAPA," Jessie screams before the door closes, and for a moment, everything is silent. Then, a gunshot rings.




"NO," I scream, and suddenly, my surroundings come into place. I'm not at my wedding. I'm not standing next to Kris in the crowded room.

My little girl's not dead.

It was all a dream.

"Adam," I hear that same voice say from beside me, "are you okay?"

I turn to see it's Kris. His face is warm and shows just a hint of concern as he watches me. I sigh and shift in my bed awkwardly.

"Y-yeah. Um...I just had a really bad dream."

"Can I ask what it was? You were looking pretty scared."

"I-" I quickly stop myself before I can say it. Kris shouldn't know that I'm dreaming these things. He shouldn't know that Crystal is causing me these traumatizing stories. He'd just blame it on himself for meeting her in the first place. He's already going through too much.

It doesn't matter enough to make him hurt.

"I almost got hit by a car. A really big one. It, er, chased me."

Kris seems to buy it, and thank God, because, well, as you can see, I don't really have that many ideas for an alternate dream.

"Poor baby. It's just a dream. Nothing much. Now, wanna' see your cake? Brad and I made it just for you!"

Thank goodness, he bought it. Putting on a smile, I nod and try to sit up a bit. I'm still a little sore, but it's not that bad. In the blink of an eye, Kris pulls out this delicious looking cake from a box and holds it up for me to see, laughing at my expression.

What? The cake looked dang near mouth watering.

"So, what do ya' think? Want a bite?"

I nod and reach for the cake to emphasize my need for the cake. Kris chuckles and quickly cuts a slice for me. Once cut, he hands it over to me and hands me a fork, his chocolate brown eyes looking so happy for some reason. I take a quick bite and fall in love.

"Oh my gosh, are there freakin' Hershey Kisses in this?"

Kris smiles. "Brad thought you'd like that."

"Brad was right," I say happily. "Thanks sweetie."

"You're welcome. Hey Adam?"


"Do you ever dream of our little girl?"

Oh crap. "Uh....sometimes."

"I do," he says with a kind smile. If only he knew... "I dream about you and her singing together."

"Who's to say she'll sing?"

Kris laughs and kisses my forehead. "She's in our family. What do you think will happen?"

"Neil's in the family, and look at him!"

"Neil's weird."

"But in the family."

"Daniel can sing a bit."


"I bet Jessie will sing just marvelously. You sing marvelously. I love you, Adam."

"I love you too, Kris."

Kris smiles and then gets up off the side of my bed to head to the door. Right before he leaves, he winks at me . I wink back happily, but the moment he leaves, my happiness fades.

I dreamed of my little girl getting shot like I was while Kris dreamed of her singing with me.

Certainly, something's not right about that.

Hopefully, though, it's not going to happen again.



To be continued..........

R.I.P. Pavarotti <3333 Cutest dang ship mascot on the planet <3333

kradam, long way from conway, love, adam lambert, highschool, daniel allen, kris allen, brad bell, hugs, i am way too bored today, family, neil lambert, cuteness overload, trolling trolling trolling

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