Long way from Conway (2/?)

Apr 23, 2010 07:31

A/N: Okay, so a bit sad here because I got like halfway through the chapter and of course, I messed up and lost all my progress (my fault, not LJ's) so of course, this is the second draft. I hope you like it because I love this story (dreamed up some good plots 0_0) and I have good plans for it. Know how I said this would be shorter than "I'll Be There"? Well, switch that. (I know, weird, but I am in a bit of a writer's block on that one) So...enjoy this and please comment! :D
Rating: PG-PG-13
Disclaimer: I KNOW none of this happened (oh how I wish though) and I do not own the two fabulous boys that are Kradam! (SADLY)

Kris had just gone off in the sea of high school kids when Adam noticed just how dumb Kris had been.
He had been too over dramatic, and much to Adam's delight, this was a chance to really surprise his new friend. Adam laughed to himself cockily.

I am so going to impress him! I knew Mom was right when she said I would have a fantastic first day!

Adam propped open Kris's locker and smiled widely, laughing a bit to himself.

It's just some dust, that guy's old food, and a spiderweb! Gosh, Neil has more crap under his bed than this!

Rolling his eyes, Adam yanked over a trash can near him and dumped all the trash and webs into it, grossing out a bit when a stray spider web wrapped around his hand.

Okay...I'm okay....just go and wash it off....calmly.

Adam slowly and calmly walked into the bathroom and washed his hands, using way too much soap, and then walked back to their lockers. Kris's locker didn't seem too bad. It just needed help. Picking up his bag, Adam took out some fuzzy blue fabric he had lying around and his extra blue tin locker shelves and slid them into Kris's locker.

Wow....they actually look good in there. Cool.

Next, he put his extra vinyl pockets on the sides, brushing away some dust in the process. For probably the first time in a while, the locker looked normal. Finally came the extra whiteboard Adam had, and it fit perfectly. Adam rummaged through Kris's bag just then, finding and taking out a picture of Kris and Katy and putting it on to the door of the locker. And finally, Adam took out a magnate and wrote on it an inscription for him.

I hope he loves this.

He had done it- made the locker good enough to impress Kris to the point that he might just win him over. Now all he needed was Kris himself to see if he had fully succeeded.

Adam raced down the hall, smiling as he spotted the brown haired man sitting down on a bench with his schedule in hand. He sneaked behind him and then covered Kris's eyes.

"Kris, come see your surprise....babe."

It was all a victory to Adam that Kris shivered in delight of getting to see his locker as they walked down the hallway. Once they came to their lockers, Adam smiled brightly, a gleam in his eyes.

"Time to see your surprise. Open your eyes babe."

Kris's expression made Adam's heart jump for joy.

He likes it! Oh my gosh, he loves it! I did it!

"It looks......fantastic."

Adam scoffed. "Huh, you sound surprised. Think I would turn it into a mad house? I'm not that crazy, Kris."

Kris stood in shock, looking over every little detail and smiling at his work.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Suddenly, Kris stopped smiling and gasped, looking closely at something in the locker. He then spoke.

"Okay, three things. One, where did you get all this stuff?"

Adam shrugged lightly. "I have spare stuff in my backpack. No biggie."

"Okay, two, where di you find that picture of me and my girl?"

Oh...he saw that and frowned...did he?

"Your backpack. I kind of looked through it."

Adam bit his lip and shrugged again, worried.

"Sorry, I guess."

Oh please forgive me!

"Don't worry...on to my last question. What is with the saying on the magnate?"

Adam blushed and gulped loudly, flipping his hair from his face.

Nice...screwed up with the one thing I thought he'd love.

Adam looked to Kris blankly.

"You noticed, huh?"

Of course, idiot!




It was lunch time before Adam and Kris talked again, for they didn't say another word to each other after the little locker meeting. To Adam, this was like a jail sentence. He loved talking, and with Kris, talking was what he loved to do. So when Kris showed up at Adam's lunch table, it was like an angel showing up to him. He couldn't believe it.

"Kris...you're seriously walking up to me?"

"It's not like you're defective, Adam. Seriously, can I sit with you. I know we need to talk."

Adam rolled his eyes. "No, really," he sarcastically mumbled.

"Adam," Kris sternly said, "can I sit here or not?"


Kris sat down and swallowed hard, making Adam nervous. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Kris, and apparently, he didn't do much good with the locker.

"Adam," he began, "I firstly need to thank you for how you decorated my locker. It's....really nice. I'm serious, Adam. I probably would of done not even half as good a job if I'd done it. I appreciate it."

Adam smiled and nodded.

Yay, he did like it!

"Second....we need to talk about...the magnate."

"Oh boy."

Kris giggled. "Adam, relax. So...the inscription..you...adore me?"

Adam sighed. "Kris....I'm.."

"Gay?" Adam jumped, shocked that Kris got it that fast.

"How did you-"

"Who else wears eyeliner and is great at interior design?"

Adam sighed again, feeling tears coming and almost falling. "Kris....I..I need you to not tell."

"Like I would. Ha."

"Seriously! I want you to know...yes, I adore you, but it's just that...you're my type and I don't find guys like that often and you're pretty and I love you and I don't want to lose you and I thought I did after this and I was just trying to show you I love you and it's all messed up now and-"

"Adam! Please! Calm down! If you'd just shut up for a moment you'd be able to hear what I have to say!"

Adam froze, his face in a pained expression.

"You know what? I thought it was very...sweet and very brave that you did that. It's very..flattering that you love me. You've got to understand though that I am straight and I...I just don't exactly know what to say to you. I also am like, maybe, involved with that cheerleader. I bumped into her earlier again and she literally kissed me! Come on, how do I say no to her?"

"Never trust cheerleaders," Adam grimly mumbled, "they only cause you pain. Trust me."

"How can I?! How do I know you aren't trying to pull me away from her just so that you can have me? Huh? Answer that for me?"

Adam felt a tear fall from his eye and saw it hit his arm. Slowly, he looked up into Kris's eyes. The brown puppy dog eyes just cried out a mixture of "I love you too!" and "I can't!" to Adam. Kris quietly began to rub Adam's hand, making circles with his thumb.

"Adam...I'm sorry. I know what you're going through. Happened to me all the time in Conway at school."

"Oh yeah?" Adam growled, his fists clenching in rage. "If so, why are you doing this to me? Huh? Tell me! That cheerleader wants you for one thing and one thing only, and you and me both know it, Kris! After she gets that you're gone!  Who are you going to go to then, huh? Katy who's all the way in Conway where you don't even know what she's doing? She could be making out with a guy right now and you wouldn't even know it! Kris, I love you and I'm right in front of you! Notice that, Kris? I'm right here! You have a choice, and although I'm not putting a time limit on your decision, I want you to know that I'm not going to wait forever. Have any girl you want, keep the cheerleader, do whatever, or have me. Just need to say that I'm always there for you. When they let you down, come to me. I'll be here."

It was almost impossible for Kris to breathe after that. He just sat in his seat in total shock. Kris looked at Adam and noticed he wasn't even looking mad. He looked....satisfied and almost happy. Very cheeky.

"Kris, if you think you are gonna' just sit there, mouth all wide open and have me just look at you you're wrong. Go eat somewhere else then."

That was the last thing Kris wanted.

"No! Adam! I want to stay!"

"Eh eh. Nope. Not unless you want to be mine. If not, go and find somewhere. Why not go sit with that chick. The cheerleader probably will let you sit there."


"Go or be mine."

Adam looked fiercely at Kris, hoping with all his might that Kris would stay, but instead of his dreams coming true, Kris slowly backed off and left the table. Adam gasped quietly as Kris did walk over to the cheerleader and was warmly accepted, Kris snagging a kiss from her.


In anger, Adam picked up his plate and walked out of the cafeteria past many other kids who were eating in the more safer hallway and sat at the top of the stairs leading to the second floor. In tears, he ate his lunch in peace, not having to see Kris and his new girl.


At the end of the day, Kris and his new girl Crystal walked out of school together, laughing as they played around with each other's steps. Kris smiled and kissed Crystal.

"Baby, when do I need to be over to your house for the party?"

Crystal bit her lip and shoved her hands into her pockets.

"Krissy, I'm sorry, but uh, plans sort of slipped though."


Crystal, noticing Kris's face, thought up something brilliant to cheer him up.

"Want to come over to my house tonight, though?"

Kris's mouth dropped open and he made a funny giggling noise that cracked Crystal up.

"Kris, yes or no?"

"Of course! Six sound fine?"

"Of course! Bye sweetie."


Kris walked towards the bus slowly, clutching his bag close. He could sense someone was watching him. He just could.


Adam stood watching, his teary eyes glued to Kris.

"I'll get you.....I just know it."

kradam, kris allen, adam lambert, drabble, highschool

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