"Adam," Kris mumbled groggily from his soft white bed, "you awake?"
"Yup," he answered, sounding more awake than anyone could possibly be at 3:00am, "can't sleep."
"Same here." The next night was to be the top 3 results show, the night Kris and Adam really dreaded.
If they were separated now, it'd be Armageddon for both of them. The two had just started their relationship
one week ago when Allison had left, sending Adam into becoming an emotional wreak. Kris, being so close
to Adam,had comforted him and lit the spark. The two became lovers almost immediately. Katy already had
left Kris a long time ago, so it wasn't so bad that they began a relationship. Anyway, Adam needed Kris and
could not spend the rest of the competition in the house alone with Danny for a whole week. As nice as Danny
was, Adam didn't quite like the fact that he'd have to go that long without seeing Kris or that he'd have to go
through Kris's elimination. So, if Kris left, Adam would probably kill himself.
Kris would probably kill himself too, because a week away from Adam would be torture to him. Like
dangling a piece of juicy think meat just out of reach of a lion for a week, with the lion not being able to do a
thing about it.
"Kris, even if one of us doesn't make it, I promise that I won't go a day without calling or talking, or-"
"Shut up Adam and get over here."
Without missing a beat, Adam got up and sat right on Kris's bed, happy to see Kris smiling.
"Promise me that if I go you won't have an affair with Danny."
"WHAT? Why in the world would I even kiss him?"
"Promise me, Adam."
"But I don't-"
"Promise me."
Adam bent down and kissed Kris. "If it makes you feel any better....I promise. Lurv you, Krissy."
Kris grabbed the collar of Adam's loose T-shirt and pulled him down so that they were face to face. "I lurv you
too, Adam Lambert. All too much."
Kris and Adam kissed quietly, Adam getting under the covers with him and snuggling close.
"You know," Adam whispered into Kris's ear, "I would never in a million years think about a snuggle
with...Gokey. Ugh, can you imagine? One word: gross!" Kris smiled and giggled childishly as he snuggled
closer to Adam.
"That's enough about him. Let's just enjoy this night, okay baby?"
"Okay Kris. Love you."
"Love you too, Adam."
{The Night of Elimination)
Idol had just gone to a commercial break and already tensions were high.
Too high, thought Kris. He had read about how it was Gokey and Glambert in the finale and how Kris's only
hope was that teen girls had watched and voted like mad. Kris knew Adam hated the fact no one cared much
about vocal ability and only cared about looks, but tonight he forgot all that. He wanted Kris to win, and win big.
"Kris," Danny said as he stumbled next to him, "I'm nervous as you know what right now. I don't know if I did
good. It's killing me!"
Kris could share the feeling. He had sucked last week and had the same thoughts, only to be relieved of them
by the ever supporting Adam. "Go see Adam, he'll stop that."
Danny shook his head. "He has the same feeling, man. I caught him crying....well more like sobbing, but you
get the point. I don't think he can take this night much longer. Besides, his old boy is in the crowd tonight, and
I don't think Adam wants to have to go through much more boy trouble right now."
Kris could picture it perfectly: Adam and Drake Labry fighting it out about old feelings while Drake was yelling
nasty comments about Kris, bringing Adam to the breaking point.
Kris didn't like the sound of that at all.
"Danny, where did you see him?"
Danny pointed to where Adam's dressing room was. Kris sprinted and yelled out a thank you to Danny behind
his back. Sure enough, the minute Kris turned the corner get to Adam's dressing room, he found the rocker.
Streaks of eyeliner streamed down his face, sitting down on the ground, looking broken.
"Kris, leave, now." Adam motioned for Kris to leave, but Kris instead sat down next to him and looked Adam
in the eye.
"Adam...we will make it through, okay? Don't you dare doubt yourself one bit. I learned that from a
certain glittery alien that I just happen to be sitting next to right now. You should be proud you even made it
this far! So what if you don't make it? RCA has you like, on the top of their next to sign list! Besides, I heard
winning sort of sucks if you want to do your own thing. Baby, just don't think you can't win for one second.
I believe you can do it, Adam. I believe in you." Slowly, Kris kissed Adam and pulled away the hair covering his
face. Kris then kissed Adam again and wiped away the eyeliner that was now almost covering his face.
"Kris, you don't have to be so-"
"Yes I do, you big baby. Now get a move on. You have to fix your eyeliner pronto before the commercial ends!"
"Well, considering how many commercials FOX seems to show, I'll be done before there is even a minute left
of them."
"And the first person entering the top 2 and going to be in the finale is...."
Kris held his breath, hoping Adam was called. He just had to.
Adam held his breath too, praying that it was Kris who was in.
Both were hoping Gokey wasn't called.
Kris couldn't believe it. He immediately covered his mouth in pure shock as it finally hit him.
I could be the next American Idol.
Danny gave Kris a nice congratulatory hug and whispered, "You got this dude. Don't worry," as Kris retreated
from him. Then, it was time to be praised by Adam, who couldn't of looked more happy or proud if he tried.
The two went into a hug that brought many to think something was up. Kris and Katy had kept together for the
press and public, for they didn't need to bring any scandal into their lives and Adam and Drake had done
basically the same thing, only they were obviously just boyfriends, so later on when things would progress
with Kris, Adam could say that he broke up with Drake.
"If I don't get in," Adam whispered, "you can not cheat on me with Danny. I swear."
Kris laughed and nuzzled his head into the crook of Adam's neck. "Don't worry, he's not my type anyway."
Adam smiled brightly and released Kris, watching him walk over to the other side of Ryan.
Curse you Ryan for blocking my view of Kris.
Adam and Danny both wrapped an arm around each other's shoulder. Danny looked to Adam and smiled.
"I hope you get through, Adam." Danny smiled and then looked down.
"If I don't get through, take care of my boy." Adam then copied Danny's actions.
"Will do."
"And now to find the final person in the finale, joining Kris, and having the chance to be crowned as American
Idol. Adam," Adam gulped and was frozen. Kris looked over at them worriedly. "You are...SAFE!"
Adam gasped and covered his mouth just like Kris had, only Adam looked so shocked. Simon gave Adam a
thumbs up and smiled, leaving Adam just speechless. He hugged Danny tight and whispered, "I'm so proud
you man. I'll miss you."
"Congrats Adam! I'll miss you too, man! Enjoy this now!"
Kris was in a whirl wind of emotions right now, being sad Danny was gone, being happy that Adam made it
through, and proud because his boy had done it. They were going to be there together. First off, Kris ran to
Danny and gave him a big hug as Adam put his hand to his forehead freaking out that he made it. Danny
couldn't of been more happy. He smiled and patted Kris on the back, congratulating him at least five times
before letting go. Then came the reunion. Adam and Kris shared a huge hug followed by whispers of "I love
you" and "I can't wait to be alone at the house" and etc.
The two walked over to the couches as Danny began to sing "You Are So Beautiful" to the crowd.
"Kris, you are so beautiful to me. I love you."
Kris, noticing a tear fall from Adam's face, wiped it and put his arm around Adam.
"I love you too, Adam. You are everything I hoped for....everything I need."
And thus began the beginning of a new relationship. <3