
May 18, 2012 15:58

Originally posted by adommy_foreverat post
T- Tommy            Hannah- News person 1
A- Adam             Taylor- News person 2
M- Monte            Juli- News person 3
C- Ciera              TR- Tommy's Roomate

Let's Begin

TR- *bursts into tommy's room* Wheres your half of the rent?
T- Sorry dude i'll get it to you soon
TR- maybe if u got off ur lazy ass once in a while we wouldnt be having this argument! *storms out slaming door behind him*
T- Whatever *turns on tv*
Hannah- Adam Lambert looking for a new bass player? That and much more coming up next
T- Sweet!
Juli- Welcome, first off American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert looking for a new bass player? Taylor is live. Taylor?
Taylor- Thanks, Yes Adam Lambert is holding auditions for a new bass player here, so get your bass and come on down! Back to you Juli
Juli- Thanks Taylor. Next up, Elmo on a shooting rampage?
T- *grabs bass and runs out the door* *car wont start* Damn it!! *takes bus, arrives and goes in
C- Hello, how may i help you
T- I am here to audition for Adam Lambert
C- i am sorry but auditions are over
T- Your friken kidding right?!?!?
C- No im not, sorry
T- Damn it!!
C- would u like me to go and ask if u may audition?
T- Hell yeah! Oops i mean yes please
C- *laughs* Okay *leaves*
A- *Sees Ciera* O Hi Ciera what do u need?
C- There is a guy here who would like to audition.
M- But auditions are over.
A- Its okay, i guess we can have one more audition.
C- Okay i will go get him *leaves*
T- What dd he say
C- *sighs* Down the hall third door on the right
T- Thank you so much *runs down hall and enters room panting* Damn these doors are far apart! *sees Adam and Monte* O hi sorry
A- its okay, whats ur name
T- Tommy Joe Ratliff
M- okay, can u play some bass for us?
T- yes Of Course *starts playing*
A & M- *rocking out a bit*
T- *Stops playing* So what do u think?
A- Give us ur number and we will call and let you know
T- Okay *gives adam his number* Thank you for the Audition
A- No problem, bye!

Hi This is my first story, leave your opinion about it, and if u want the next one
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