Title: Behind The Scenes
Pairing/Characters: Adam, Kris Allen, Matt Giraud. Yep, I'm goin' ollld school :p
Rating (Word Count): G (2x100)
Warning(s): none
Author's notes: Inspired from
this backstage shot. And
this is the book they were reading. My detective skillz are better than urs :p
"Oh, man, these are just silly," Kris couldn't help laughing.
"It is not!" Adam huffed in defense. "It's a very-carefully researched analysis-"
"Adam, I bet if I was to find five other books on the same subject they'd say five different things. There's no way it's accurate."
"What, what's so funny?" Matt came over from where he and Anoop had been goofing with Allison's birthday balloons and perched on the sofa's arm.
"He's on his astrology kick again, that's what."
"You don't believe I'm seductive, compassionate, and combatant?" Adam batted his eyelashes.
Kris pointed to the page like an "a-hah!"
"You're too romantic to grow bored in a relationship. That just shows nobody's pinned down right."
"Who cares, do me!" Matt flipped ahead in the book.
"You can't actually believe this, too-"
"Dunno, Graceful Frequent Flyer sounds accurate for Mr. Imagination here," Adam cuffed Matt's arm.
"I knew being flighty wasn't bad," Matt teased and flipped further ahead. "Check it out, Kris, you're a Graceful too!"
"Ooh, and seductive traits." Adam playfully leaned close to his friend with that camera-seducing look. "I knew you loved the both of us."
"Oh, you guys are nuts," even if Kris was still laughing.