Wow, um, I have a lot to do.
A lot of this is because of the going to D.C., so I am not precisely complaining about that part of it, I much to do, I cannot even properly conceptualize it. Wow. Like. Wow.
Also (this is not really one of the awful things, it just exists because they do that; if I were still distressed terribly about these my life would suck even more x 10) I have a Chinese quiz tomorrow. I should have been studying for...since a long time. It is almost 2 am. Shit. I slept for, like, an hour or a wee bit more earlier, though.
Meh I hate being useless; meh life is getting so complicated.
I finally got my schedule worked out. My fourth class is called Perspectives on Bilingualism, my professor is a really awesome woman with a British accent (I cannot quite place it; it is a bit unusual to me - not BBC or Cockney, definitely, but it is not Scottish and I am fairly positive it is not Welsh. I will figure it out eventually). I'm really pleased, and I get to do my multilingualism presentation next week (...right when I get back from DC, of course) on South Asia! (There are five different geographical areas about which there are articles. I came to the third class meeting for my first time so there were only three spots open, but I was lucky; one South Asia and two North Africa, so there was no losing really.)
And my China seminar professor has a bit of a Swedish accent, too; it is so cool. (He speaks Swedish, English, presumably Danish or Norwegian or both a bit but I do not actually know, Mandarin, and Manchu. How awesome is that.)
elanid you will appreciate this if I forget to tell you: because of his slight Swedish accent and the fact that I was extremely tired by the time I was in that class (4-5:30 after I sprinted from my bilingualism class and almost killed myself on ice but did not *iz not zombie*), he was saying "magistrate" a bunch at one point in the class and I found myself writing "Magister" in my notes. XP
I really badly wanted some awesome professors this semester too; I think I do, for which I am pleased.
Also the front desk is really quite nice and awesome. Kim (the woman who organized this ENTIRE Inauguration thing really) laminated maps for us because she said they were pretty (they are XP) and thought we'd like a memento of the trip without having to worry about not damaging the map we'd actually be using while there. I honestly don't know how they managed this in such a short time but eeeeeh.
Did I mention that I have fifty thousand million things to do before Saturday? I do.
And a thousand things to talk about, and a billion things to write, and a million things to watch and a thousand thousand thousand trillion things. 'Cos I'm alive and junk. And me. Right, okay.
I'm not doing them, obvs, because I'm stupid.
(Yesterday - though this is not the first chronologically !!!y but I'm too tired to do the fiction properly right now - I started watching the pilot of due South, 'cos of
ariastar, hee. I never know when I am ever going to finish anything really, like, ever, but I am still curious!)
It's getting really warm in here, but I'm not turning down the heater yet because last time I did that it didn't stop being too warm, it just got so COLD I could not concentrate on anything. The other night at 3/4 am my computer told me it was -10 F. Now it is a whole 5. It's supposed to be a whole THIRTY-THREE at the Inauguration. XP Everyone is calling it a heat wave here. Like, not warm front, heat wave.
But I need to go do something. I think I need even more caffeine maybe.
I was just alerted that there is an Atlas of World Languages that costs seven hundred and fifty dollars. Hmph. :P I bet the library has one. NO NO SELF CANNOT ADD MORE THINGS TO LONGEST-EVAR LIST. :( What couple books should I bring with me to DC of the gigantic stacks around my room? Do tell.
Fun presents for people laters. Or something.