
Jan 11, 2009 20:34

Basically, the Inauguration thing is through my university - it's through MUNDO, which is a sort of reshalls "cultural experience" type organization; there were random pickings from the first 300 short-answer apps from people who live in University Housing turned in, and from there they chose fifty people with an eye to whom would...best 'appreciate the cultural experience' as it were, or something of that nature. It's subsidized by the dorms (called something more technical than that, obviously); it's $75.

I'll be in D.C. the 18th-20th and get back ridiculously early on the 21st. I wanted to go awfully much but was not wholly expecting to and got the email in all caps a few minutes before I posted that last - I'm so excited, and still a bit astonished, and mostly just excited. Of course, I will recount!

I had a quite amusing dinner conversation today. Er, conversations. o_O

Creepy guys need to stay away from people's room phones. D: (A friend of mine's, not mine.)

I have television and other fiction !!!!!!!!!!!!!! to do, but that will have to wait until I have done my Chinese.

I graded about half the prose for the lit magazine of which I am layout editor (to decide what gets in the magazine) this afternoon. I just...honestly. Why. Why. That is all I have to say.

My schedule is vaguely crashing and burning because I wish to go abroad next winter to Beijing and also I wish to double major in Asian Languages and Cultures and Linguistics, but the latter part of this double major is presenting a problem...mostly because of my multiple-personality tendencies re: majors and interests (I miss science so much when I don't have any!), I want to take electives instead of the reqs for linguistics, even though I love linguistics, and my classes this semester --> lots of timing problems (the linguistics class that would be best for me to take right now is directly in the middle of my photography class, for instance). And I want to take toxicology so badly, but I just don't think I can. I'm going to go to class on Tuesday and see what it is like, and if I fall in love...

Aaaaand a friend of mine totally just told me re: the facebook** that it seems like a great class and the professor is really nice. I totally hate my life. Oh dear. I hate scheduling so much.

elanid, I still vote Australia.


** a friend/EIC of the magazine-for-which-submissions-are-making-me-want-to-kill myself and/or yell-angry-things-at-all-the-fabulous-writers who I know live in this building told me in our class last semester that she calls facebook "the facebook" because that was what it was called when she first used it (she is two years older than I) and she thinks it sounds like one is taking it less seriously, which - good, because I had a whole rant last night about utter idiocy and people being lameass and that stupid site with its horrible interface (err yeah, I use it a fair amount I admit, okay, I can't talk, but PEOPLE DON'T USE EMAIL and then...well, anyway, that's a longer story!). Anyway, there was this whole conversation in that seminar about the internet which continually used "the facebook" as a noun and I enjoyed it more for said reason, so I am calling it that from now on.

Now, Zhongwen de gongke. (Oooh by the way I have simplified Chinese font on my computer now! I can't get the traditional to work, but I can say that I must do 中文的功课!

politics, college, people, internet things, random, omg, inauguration, stuff, awesome, plot

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