"Of course it's the right way."

Oct 09, 2007 18:04

I did not previously write about this for there was WORK! (blah) and such things, but elanid wrote up her list of All The Classic (...and non-New, really, if we are only counting audiovisual media) Who she has seen, which is a list of all the Classic Who I have seen + Shada + The Two Doctors + Arc of Infinity, I believe. Anyway, those three I am going to watch. Obviously. (She cheated! ... I MEAN TO SAY! 'hem.)

Anyway, what she said is quite almost exactly what I think as well, which is no real surprise. XP I would not put it past me to talk about several of them at a later point anyway, but nevertheless!

I realized I had not said this yet, so. The important point on which I am focusing now is that elanid and I watched "The Mind Robber" the other day!

Which is the first either of us had seen of Two. And I really.

!!!!!!!!!!!!. Basically.

Upon first consideration of Watching Two (which obviously had to be done not only for Watching Classic Who reasons but having seen enthusiastic review from many around in various places, especially from calapine!) The Mind Robber was read about, and I thought it sounded pretty fantastic and therefore wanted to watch that one at some point from then on, but even when plots on DW seem cool -

I mean, really I adore this show, but the plottyness is often not my favoritest of parts for what I suspect are not un-obvious reasons. See "Enlightenment." (Though certainly I have to watch that again at some point too, now that I know Five better, that being the first Five serial I saw.) Anyway, so I hoped the plot would be as cool as it seemed, but the point was really Two and Jamie and Zoe, all of whom I was dying to see.

And I rather expected it would be brilliant, because I was already quite sure I loved Two, having seen and read things. - Was it ever! I'm so glad this show is so deserving of my high expectations. Seriously, though, I have had high expectations for really everything since I saw "School Reunion" what seems like long ago (this is entirely another story, but no, that isn't the first DW episode I saw at all! Later I will tell of that). "The Mind Robber" is the winner for being SO MUCH more brilliant than I ever even - !!!

I think that doing this in a list might make it seem as if it is better organized, even though it won't really be.

1. No, look. The Mighty Trought + Jamie + Zoe + CLEVER x 10000! (Not that they don't HAVE clever x 10000 all by themselves.)

2. Two is adorable. I think a lot of Doctors are adorable - in fact, all those I've seen, I think are adorable in one way or another - but. Take the credits:

3. I love Seven to a degree that is practically indescribable, but his credits rather creep me out. There is the weird wink, for one thing, but as awesome and wonderful as I think Sylvester McCoy's Doctor is, I don't need to see his face up close in the credits. I think the same about Peter Davison's and Tom Baker's, although Four's credits are definitely better than either Seven's or Five's, IMO. BUT TWO'S. On principle, the Doctor!face should be weird, but Trought's is nothing but adorable from the VERY BEGINNING.

4. "No no no no!" NEED I SAY MORE? (No. I'm not going in order. If I were to go in ORDER, I would just watch it again while commenting. Which I wouldn't entirely mind doing, but I should be working aussi.)

5. GRATUITOUS Necessary TOUCHING, AW. (Again, there is no order here, I just!) OMG JAMIE AND TWO. All you Two fans who say they are married all the time; this is SO TRUE! Not that I doubted you, but omg! How cute it is cannot even be expressed in words. I don't think. Actually, it could be a bit, but not by me right now (I am lacking so much sleep right now. Oh, college. I have lucked out in the midterms week, though, meaning...I don't technically have any. Not that this means no work, OR ANYTHING. *dies* Anyway). So. They scream about something and it isn't subtle in the slightest and they barely even let go of one another; oh, Jamie! Oh, Two! If I had caps I would evidence this right now. As it is - well. Holy adorableness, batman!

6. Two's expressions, OMG. That is all.

7. ZOE'S BRILLYUNCE. I seem to be a fan of caps in this post. But try and tell me it is not deserved! She is so much with the brainz! (I think she is cutest when she is wearing Jamie's vest/jacket thing, actually, and her clothes are really very odd, but I don't care at all because she is SO FANTASTIC.) She knows what she's talking about! And I love that we "see" the city she's from without 'going' there in this particular episode; it really is a great introduction to Two, I think. Not that I've seen any OTHER of his serials, but since I'm absolutely in love with him and both companions and could talk about them for even longer than I am now...I think it is safe to say.

8. Did I mention Zoe's brilliance?

9. Two + Jamie's nose. ... Before this scene, I thought the clingyness and Two's flipping the fuck out about Jamie and Zoe could be the adorablest things in the episode. I was wrong. Well, not wrong. But I didn't leave enough space for additions to Most Adorablest, rly.

10. And it's not just that it was so cute - I mean, it's so obvious how well they do know one another and how much Two loves them and how much they all love each other. He's totally worried about Jamie (...for good reason), and then there is the - Oh, no other Doctor could do this story, not like this. I love this TARDIS, all in all, and the Two + Jamie's nose scene is just one of the many reasons why. Not to mention The Mighty Trought's adorable (no, synonyms are not necessary. KTHX. Uhm) intonation and...everything.

11. Jamie and Zoe's relationship. They're like brother and sister and wonderful and caring and ALSO cute and so clever (obviously Zoe is by far the cleverest and it's SO AWESOME). Jamie would clearly do anything for her, and she looks at him in this wonderful 'oh, you' sort of way sometimes, and she knows she's cleverer but it's (well, not in this one; it's the only one I've seen! But I suspect) not a Thing and doesn't need to be because of everything, and she looks to him when she's scared, and he's afraid for her, and they argue! They made me smile x so much! "ZOE!" "JAMIE!" They're both integral and I love them for it - aah <3.

12. Damn, but there is Something to Be Said for the effects in this episode.

13. The plot. It is not the plot itself for which I talk about Doctor Who for hours on end on a regular basis! (It's the people; see quote in profile. The whole show, all in all. It's also a ton of other incredibly cool shit that edges upon indescribable, which, if I talk of, should go in the same post as where I explain the earlier bit involving School Reunion. Yes, I do like tangents.)

14. I'm so serious: the nursery rhymes, the - Well, so we watched this five (?) days ago, and I don't want to get any details wrong, and my brain is totally dead. But it's a story about words, full of wonderful quotes and my very favorite sort of themes (language! Loyalty! Stories! Perception! Thingz!). Two memorized Gulliver's Travels! (Duh.)

15. In conclusion, this is in competition with Battlefield and City of Death for MY FAVORITE EVER as of yet and probably just IN GENERAL. Not that I actually think I can pick a single favorite in the end.

"The Mind Robber" is made of win. Yes, it is. That is The End.

jamie, lists, classic who, zoe, awesomeness, doctor who, the mind robber, squee, two/jamie/zoe tardis, two

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