(no subject)

Nov 01, 2007 14:54

"The rules are easy, just post 6 things that recently made you happy!
Then tag 6 people to post this meme on their LJs.
Everyone needs a little happiness once in awhile."


1.) All the little details. Her telling me she actually felt jealous seeing me having fun with someone else, or asking me to trust her when I actually get jealous. Things that actually tell me we might be onto something, like maybe one of these days we'll kiss again, one day we might be together? Before I actually lose the spark, because it's been so long.

2.) All the drama regarding prom dates is out of the way. Just need to get a pimping suit.

3.) I have the inspiration for two or three poems, as well as two or three stories, in the back of my head. I just need to commit to actually write something at all.

4.) We recently got a dog, a Jack Russel Terrier called Argos. I was dead against having a dog, having been sort of afraid of them as a child, and really just seeing them as a smelly nuisance, but he might be the member of the family I get along with the best. He doesn't bother much and we just chill together, I feel like he really likes me and I like him back. So yeah, not what I expected.

5.) I did something sort of out-of-line at a party to a girl friend of mine, and she got angry because I never said sorry. Just being a tease, mind you, I never meant anything by it, but that's what you get. She wouldn't talk to me for about a month and a half, I finally said I was sorry -halfheartedly, she was smiling at me- and we're talking again. I have mentioned her in a post before, if you're interested. You can guess which.

6.) I go to the beach for the entire summer, meaning it's sort of moving homes for two months or so. The beach is so small, we coexist like a little community, so you really get into other people's lives. One of the people I met there all those years ago, he's like an older brother to me. I really love this guy, especially the way he undeniably shows an interest in hanging out with me. I often feel like I'm being a nuisance to others just by being around them, so it's really nice to be asked to hang out with no initiative. He's offered to teach me how to drive for when I'm 18, which is really good. Can't wait for the summer, come December.

I've had to talk a whole fucking lot because I can't really think of any specific things that make me happy without elaborating like that. I've had to search, ei?

I tag you.
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