BOW pics

Mar 15, 2011 16:27

Looking out over the Tanana Valley to the Alaska Range

Murphy Dome

Sun flooding the bridge at Nenana


The frozen Nenana River at the Denali town area



McKinley and Foraker

So awesome

Chugach Mountains

Mountains on the Glenn Highway

Mountains and the frozen Matanuska River

Mt. Thunderbird from the main lodge of the camp. It's gorgeous no matter how many times you look at it

Mom building a fire

Me lighting the fire

We haz fireee

Mom digging the snow cave

My turn to dig

The completed snow cave

Me inside

View of the mountains from the back of the lodge

Arc! :D

Mt. Packsaddle

One of the pics I took during the photography class

They leave the hose on in the winter and this ice build up results

Matanuska Glacier :D

The mountain in the middle might be Mt. Marcus Baker, where the Matanuska Glacier originates. It's the tallest mountain in the Chugach range (13,176 ft). I love the mountain's name haha

3 of the Wrangell Mountains: Sanford, Drum and Wrangell. All three are volcanoes


Looking across frozen Summit Lake to Gulkana Glacier

The frozen Delta River

The wind was blowing 60 MPH at 0 degrees when I took this. COLD

Sunlight flooding Black Rapids Glacier (which is pretty hard to see in the winter haha)

An animal crossing the road

A caribou maybe?

Sunset over the Tanana River

20. Post a photo of your room

An old pic

Would you rather try to trim the beard of a wild billy goat or try to polish the tusks of a walrus? I'd rather leave the wild animals alone..

Today's trivia: It took 20,000 people 22 years to build the Taj Mahal

gulkana glacier, mountains, becoming an outdoor woman, denali, mom, matanuska glacier, animals, alaska range, black rapids glacier, pictures

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