An evening with Pat

Jan 02, 2011 12:19

Yesterday we had Pat over at mom's house (she would have been alone on New Years if we hadn't). Before dinner we watched Wall-e..she thought it was cute hehe. We had a post roast for dinner..Pat loved it haha. Mom made a fire in the woodstove and we sat by that for awhile..then dad set off the rest of the fireworks. Yaay haha. Then it was time to go..I think Pat really appreciated being able to come over

One of the people in the apartment building died in the past few days. I had just talked to her the day before she went into the hospital and she seemed fine. Then she went to the hospital and they said they didn't think she was going to live..then she went into a coma and passed away. Apparently she had cancer. That's

01. State that you’re from
02. A map of your state
03. City/Town that you’re from
04. Favorite place to eat in your city
05. Schools that you went to
06. Favorite place to shop in your city/state
07. The best thing about your state
08. A cool historical fact about your state
09. A picture of the most beautiful place of your state, in your opinion
10. A state landmark that you think most people will recognize
11. Favorite place to vacation in your state
12. Facts about your state, like the state bird, state motto, state song, mayor of your town, governor, etc.
13. Your favorite sports team from your state
14. Favorite thing to do in your town/state
15. How long does it take to get from one side of your state to the other?
16. Someplace in your state that you liked to hang out at when you were younger
17. Something you wish that you could change about your state
18. A stereotype of your state
19. Do you see yourself settling down and raising a family in your state or somewhere else?
20. Create an ad that would make people want to come to your state.

Would you rather have to change your little brother's diapers or clean your grandmother's false teeth? Clean the false teeth

Today's trivia: James Madison, 5 feet, 4 inches tall, was the shortest US president

mom, dad, rip, new years, fireworks, movies, food, pat

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